Scanners have been scanning one frequency at a time back to the days when crystals were used. PRI is nice but limited. In the new era of SDR’s, full-band parallel scanning should be possible. In other words, entire bands can be watched by the scanner for activity. Scanning one frequency at a time in serial fashion should be obsolete. Spectrum analyzers have a rating called Real Time Band Width RTBW which indicates the amount of the spectrum that can be displayed at one time. My Aaronia Spectran v6 has an RTBW of 44mhz so that’s the width of spectrogram on screen. I can see all activity across 44Mhz at one time, also capture/record all the IQ data across any 44Mhz segment. How often does a serial scanner miss activity because its busy scanning individual freq’s one by one? Where are the next generation scanners that look at whole bands simultaneously? They wouldn’t change the need for freq lists from RadioReference because of the need to display the originating police, fire, etc. system. Full band parallel scanners would also improve SEARCH which is also limited to one freq at a time. Curious if anyone is aware of any full band parallel scanners on the market?