Hi again, and thank you for the additional info. I originally did download Sentinel before I received the scanner and went through the entire listing in both San Mateo and Contra Costa County, and put everything on void that wasn’t PD, Fire and EMS.
When I downloaded that to the scanner when I received it, it worked fine, scanning great, although I tried to go back in and void parks, Bart police, Livermore lab, Oakland PD and some other unwanted areas, that I actually DID void the first time before downloading to the scanner but they s=were still showing up. And when I downloaded the second time, that’s when the “FUN” started.
It booted up and started scanning and the error was, “nothing to scan’.
Durirng the second editing I was also trying to delete 3 favorites that I tried to set up, but they didn't have any data in them.
Last 2 days I worked on finding the file location to delete the profile, and the other 3 files that were the directory. Did THIS 3 times also.
I reinstalled Sentinel, (3 times), and it STILL shows the San Mateo-Contra Costa PRI1 profile name on the very top of the interface page, in the top border area.
I also tried uploading the info from the scanner 3 times after having to select the zip code feature and get the unit scanning again. I tried to upload that data and tied to edit the areas again, and when I downloaded to scanner, it booted up again and said nothing to scan.
Also, my original file that I edited before I got the scanner, didn’t seem to have the complete data base for PD, Fire and EMS like the Radio Reference Database was showing, but using the zip code feature enters all the complete database from web page. But I need to edit out a lot of the unwanted stuff.
The problem is trying to reinstall Sentinel without the original profile showing up, and upload that profile, edit out parks, Bart, Caltrans, Livermore lab, Oakland PD, and other unnecessary areas, and download it to the scanner.
I also don’t need favorites if the scanner scans both areas, as I was later trying to separate Contra Costa into a favorite so I could turn it off when here at home and turn off the home area when I was over there, but I won’t do any favorites for now.
Am not sure if I will get much in Contra Costa, (San Ramon, or Pleasanton) since that area is run by sheriff, and I only saw one listing as I recall, so it might not be scannable there.
And it WOULD have to be a hot week, and with no air conditioning. ☺ Take care and hopefully have a cool day!