Someone can walk the OP through it. Just depends on how bad he/she wants it.Dongles can be complicated to set up, especially for beginners,
If the tap is done properly. Good luck troubleshooting that if it's not done right. And then what? DSD+ has to be set up. If that can be done, so can a a tapped scanner has much greater signal sensitivity than any dongle.
Bottom line: the OP isn't going to tap a scanner and the extra sensitivity may not be required anyway. A $20 investment in a dongle or a lot more for a Kenwood radio or an NXDN capable scanner. Maybe the OP can afford the US$550+ for a Whistler scanner plus programming. If money is no object, that's definitely his/her best route. Otherwise, it's pretty much the $20 dongle or do without. OP's call.