Most of the fire departments in Ocean County are dispatched on conventional UHF 508.1875 PL 71.9 and operate on the County Trunk System after dispatch, so you'll need a trunk tracking scanner to hear all of the action. The link to all conventional frequency & trunk system information for Ocean County is:
There are a few departments that are dispatched on conventional low band 33.7800 PL 146.2 (Manchester Twp., Lakehurst, Seaside Heights & Seaside Park) and they operate on the conventional low band fire ground frequencies.
The FDs and EMS squads on Long Beach Island operate on their own VHF conventional system. Link for that information is:
EMS Squads dispatched by County are dispatched on 155.2050 PL 186.2
The FDs that are dispatdched by their own municipal dispatchers on their own frequencies are:
Brick Twp., Dover Twp., Lakewood, Point Pleasant Boro & Point Pleasant Beach. Click on thie link below, scroll down to Ocean County and click on and then and then click on the corresponding municipality for the frequencies:
Jackson Twp. FD is dispatched and operates on their own frequencies: They are dispatched by County on 507.3375 DPL 432 and operate on 506.5875 CSQ (Fire Ops 1) and 507.0875 CSQ (Fire Ops 2). It's actually an LTR trunk system but you can monitor it conventioonally by programming the frequencies I listed and hear everything. It does not need to be programmed in the trunk mode. Just program them as you would any other conventional system. The link to the information is:
Bay Head & Mantoloking FDs are dispatched by County on County UHF Fire Dispatch 508.1875 PL 71.9 but operate on 506.7125 DPL 223, the County Lakewood Fire Repeater frequency. They're not on the trunk system.
This should cover just about everything, but if I've left anything out I'm sure someone will pipe in. Enjoy your visit.