Okmulgee co SO telecommunications is screwed up. There actual dispatch i run by the Jail criminal justice authority ( who has their own police dept). The funding could of come from their. The Sheriff's office and the criminal justice authority dont get along. It is so bad that the SO is having Henryetta PD do some of the NCIC entries. This is what happened to me. Okmulgee Co SO sent a warrant up to be served. The woman had a Tulsa Co Traffic Warrant also. I go arrest the woman. I tell dispatch to notify them we have her in custody. They teletype back the will not pick her up do not hold for them. We tell them the Okmulgee Co Undersherrif faxed the warrant to us requesting her to be arrested still they said no. I run her NCIC and get a felony hit out of Henryetta Pd. for the Okmulgee CO SO. They confirm and place hold on the same charge that the other had refused to transport on.
Another time they sent a warrant up and asked it be served. About and hour before I was going to make contact we teletyped them for conformation. About 15 minutes before I had to meet with this guy we sent them another. Nothing. I finally called them. They said that dispatch had no way to confirm warrants. That they were at the Sherriff's office and that they would have to call in a field deputy to confirm the warrant/ I made contact with the subject and did not arrest him. 5 hours later they sent a tty to arrest and hold...........