TRX-1: One DMR Frequency will not decode but works fine with other scanners


Sep 3, 2021
I have been using my TRX-1 for a couple of years and program everything manually. (I'm outside the US so don't use the database.) I have one local VHF DMR frequency that I am keen to have in my scanner but when I put it in the Whistler TRX-1 it will not decode - i.e. it does not stop scanning and there is no voice. I can hear this perfectly fine using DSDPlus FL and also with my Uniden BCD386HP. There is no encryption and I'm fairly sure no RAS (not that it should make a difference.) This is a simplex DMR frequency with a normal color code and talkgroup. I have everything set up the same as any other DMR frequency but still no hits. I can be within a few feet (or a few hundred feet) of one of these radios and the squelch will still not open - even if dial it all the way down to zero. It won't appear in a Spectrum Sweeper or frequency limit search either.
I have also tried checking the "Skip DMR TGID" on and off. I also currently have it set up with CC of ANY and TG of ANY.

I can hear the raw DMR signal on the scanner if I set it up as an analogue frequency instead (so it can receive the signal on that frequency) and I am sure that it is DMR as the other methods decode it fine. I've also tried programming adjacent frequencies just in case it was off by a little. I can also see it there with direct entry Tune Mode and signal meter moves but it still refuses to decode. I have never come across this scenario before.

The Global Attenuation and AGC are off and FlexStep is on (although I tried it with it off also). I'm tempted at this stage to start fiddling with the advanced settings in the scanner but I've never had to change them for anything ever before and I don't really think it will help as they seem more applicable to P25. These are currently set to the standard defaults afaik:
DSPLevelAdapt: 64
ADC Gain: +0dB
DAC Gain: +4dB
The ZM parameters should not matter as I have Zermomatic switched off also (though I have tried with it on also).

In case it helps, here is some output from DSDPlus FL (located further away so a few more errors). To be clear again, the voice does decode corectly in DSD+ (and also on the Uniden) as I mentioned.

2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 DATA DCC=8 Voice Hdr ERR1 GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 DATA ERR1 DCC=8 Voice Hdr GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 DATA DCC=8 Voice Hdr ERR2 GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VOICE e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC2 e:21
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC3
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC4 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC5 e:2
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC6 e:12
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VOICE e:11
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC2 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC3 e:14r
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC4 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC5 e:111
2025.02.19 14:03:40 +DMR D1 VC6 e:221
2025.02.19 14:03:40 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VOICE e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC2 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC3 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC4
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC5 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC6 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VOICE e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC2 e:12
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC3 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC4 e:2
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC5 e:11
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC6 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VOICE e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC2 e:111
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC3 e:12
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC4 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:41 +DMR D1 VC5
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC6
2025.02.19 14:03:42 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VOICE
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC2
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC3 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC4
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC5 e:11
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC6 e:131
2025.02.19 14:03:42 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VOICE e:121
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC2
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC3 e:31
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC4 e:14r2
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC5 e:21
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC6 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:42 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VOICE e:6r22
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC2 e:3
2025.02.19 14:03:42 +DMR D1 VC3 e:14r
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC4 e:33
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC5 e:12
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC6 e:122
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VOICE e:214r
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC2 e:12
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC3 e:21
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC4
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC5 e:11
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC6 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:43 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VOICE e:3
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC2 e:11
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC3 e:12
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC4 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC5 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC6
2025.02.19 14:03:43 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VOICE e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:43 +DMR D1 VC2 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:44 +DMR D1 VC3 e:1
2025.02.19 14:03:44 +DMR D1 VC4
2025.02.19 14:03:44 +DMR D1 VC5
2025.02.19 14:03:44 +DMR D1 VC6 e:2
2025.02.19 14:03:44 Slot1: GC TG=19242 RID=36001

I'm at a complete loss here and open to suggestions. Many thanks in advance.


Sep 3, 2021
I did see some "Protected LC" messages in DSD-FME logs, although it may not have been for this frequency (as there didn't seem to be voice frames associated with it) but I will try programming individual radio numbers in case there are Private Calls that are not been decoded. However, DSD+ logs indicated GC Group Calls so that is probably not it.

Anyway, here is some lower level DSD-FME output just in case it casts any light on the subject but I doubt it helps.

AMBE 98064C6F6DA580 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 9801B07D8CC680 err = [0] [0]
[31m SLOT 1 FLCO FEC ERR [0m[31m (FEC ERR)[0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [00][00][00][00][4D][82][01][4F][F1][0m[36m SB: 00000000000 - 000; [0m

00:43:17 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | VC*
AMBE 980B54C70B3300 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 980B54C70B3300 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 9808E09E484280 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 0F0CFC6006A700 err = [0] [1]
AMBE 0F0CFC6006A700 err = [0] [1]
AMBE CAA16DF9EB6F00 err = [0] [0]
AMBE C807D4000CE280 err = [0] [0]
AMBE C807D4000CE280 err = [0] [0]
AMBE C80B832CEDAE80 err = [0] [0]
AMBE D80B6AE60B7480 err = [0] [0]
AMBE D80B6AE60B7480 err = [0] [0]
AMBE D809C7404AF100 err = [0] [1]
AMBE D803D7B8AA4A00 err = [0] [0]
AMBE D803D7B8AA4A00 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 8808A053581E80 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 88022588480480 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 88022588480480 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 98032651A8BF80 err = [0] [1]
[31m SLOT 1 FLCO FEC ERR [0m[31m (FEC ERR)[0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [00][00][00][00][4D][82][01][4F][F1][0m[36m SB: 00000000000 - 000; [0m

00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | TLC [31m
SLOT 1 TGT=19822 SRC=36001 FLCO=0x00 FID=0x00 SVC=0x00 Group Call [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [00][00][00][00][4D][82][01][4F][F1][9C][DB][38][0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][38][61][62][78][25][80][06][20][04][8F][0m
Sync: no sync
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO [31m| CACH/Burst FEC ERR[0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][00][A1][62][78][25][80][06][21][3A][BD][0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][00][A1][62][78][25][80][06][21][3A][BD][0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][00][A1][62][78][25][80][06][21][3A][BD][0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][00][A1][62][78][25][80][06][21][3A][BD][0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][00][A1][62][78][25][80][06][21][3A][BD][0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][00][A1][62][78][25][80][06][21][3A][BD][0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][00][A1][62][78][25][80][06][21][3A][BD][0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | CSBK[33m
Channel Timing CSBK (CT_CSBK) [0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [87][00][00][A1][62][78][25][80][06][21][3A][BD][0m
Sync: no sync
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO [31m| CACH/Burst FEC ERR[0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO [31m| CACH/Burst FEC ERR[0m
00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | VC*
AMBE 9819C88EA61F00 err = [1] [2]
AMBE 9819C88EA61F00 err = [1] [2]
AMBE 981267E146A800 err = [2] [0]
AMBE A810226C079C80 err = [0] [2]
AMBE A810226C079C80 err = [0] [2]
AMBE A819CDE267C980 err = [1] [2]
AMBE E81964EFA78300 err = [1] [2]
AMBE E81964EFA78300 err = [1] [2]
AMBE E813465087F100 err = [1] [2]
AMBE A8132770072800 err = [0] [2]
AMBE A8132770072800 err = [0] [2]
AMBE A8156EFD93E080 err = [0] [2]
AMBE E813BCE313D780 err = [1] [3]
AMBE E813BCE313D780 err = [1] [3]
AMBE BA34856574DD80 err = [1] [2]
AMBE E80167C90FAB00 err = [0] [1]
AMBE E80167C90FAB00 err = [0] [1]
AMBE E813DC3397CC80 err = [0] [0]
[31m SLOT 1 FLCO FEC ERR [0m[31m (FEC ERR)[0m
[36m DMR PDU Payload [A0][00][00][00][4D][82][01][4F][F1][0m[36m SB: 00000000000 - 000; [0m

00:43:18 Sync: +DMR MS/DM MODE/MONO | VC*
AMBE E8106EF408D080 err = [0] [1]
AMBE E8106EF408D080 err = [0] [1]


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
It could be that they are using dual capacity on the simplex frequency and Whistler hasn't prepared its firmware for that mode and the scanner don't know what to do with that simplex format. That's why we need a continuos support for digital scanners to make them handle any new protocols being introduced.



Sep 3, 2021
Excellent response. I hadn't thought of that. I did think that "MS/DM MODE" looked a bit funny but I didn't have a recent DCDM transmission to compare it against. I'll look into that a bit more to confirm if this is the case. Many thanks Ubbe.

Cheers, Keith