I understand folks it's a loaded question. But aside from the usual legalities, admonitions, all the what if's, the what of's, no NVIS, no satellites, no commercial considerations, no repeaters, no mtns, etc etc, which would be ur pick?
Reason being over the years I've read all the ranges and experiments, and there still seems to be some argument and ambiguity as to what is your best simplex mode of reliable communications 0-100 miles, rural and hilly, with NO shadow cone or dead zone (thereby eliminating HF). From the literature, it Seems to be 2m SSB or low band commercial. I've read Commercial (30-50) will yield 50-100 miles, and I've read 2m SSB would do this and more. 10 and 6 SSB would probably not get out that far. Also read that a 2m SSB "mobile" unit, would have too much frequency instability to be reliably used.
Just curious as to what those with far more knowledge and real world experience than myself would choose.
I guess another way to put it, If you had to pick one setup as cited, with just a 100 watt mobile, w/vertical antenna, and a 100 watt base, w/50' fairly basic, common antenna, all other things being equal, 10, 6, 2, (probably SSB), and throw in low band 30-50MHz, what would you choose for these two scenarios, mobile to mobile, and mobile to base, best range performance.
If in your opinion none of the set-ups as cited above would accomplish this, then offer if you would your "best" choice to perform under these desired conditions. Thx again for your info, much appreciated.