Ocracoke Fire and Rescue 155.805 107.2PL They also utilize the Dare Co Hatteras Island frequencies a great deal since all medical help comes from the Dare side, including the helicopter.
Englehard Fire is 154.815, can't advise PL but probably 110.9 as is 154.145.
Cape Hatteras National Seashore 164.725 103.5PL
Coast Guard frequencies that are hot are
Channel 21 157.050
Channel 22 157.100 Primary Emergency and Notices to Mariners
Channel 23 157.150 Secondary Emergency
Channel 81 157.075
Channel 82 157.125
Channel 83 157.175
Try a meal on the porch at The Pelican for me, I hope to make it down in Sept also but don't know if it'll be official or leisure yet, especially with this active hurricane season. Our emergency services group is usually sent to that area when the cyclones are active. Hope mine's a pleasure trip. According to NCEM, Ocracoke visitors were still being evacuated today, BTW.