Well I just got this license key thing, whatever that does. Got it from Mike. I don't know how it works, and why anyone has to have a license to get software in the first place. I guess I'll print off the email with the number on it. Don't know what else to do with it anyway. Reading, looks like it registers PSR500. Must be some kind of copyright deal.
Go to Mike's website
In the section labeled "PSREdit500", there's a link labeled click here for more information about PSREdit500. or to download the latest version".
Here's that link:
PSREdit500 - Configuration Editor for the PSR-500, PSR-600, PRO-106, and PRO-197 Scanners
Now, click on Download, on the left menu. That will take you here:
Download PSREdit500
You can download the software as either a zip file (that's compressed), which is the one labeled "Zip file format", or as a "Setup executable format". Save whichever you choose to your computer, either the desktop, or some place you can easily find it. Depending on your internet browser, you'll get one or more warnings about downloading a file. Don't worry about it. The file is ok.
The zip file would require you to unzip (decompress) the file first, before you install it.
The 'setup executable' file would be ready to run as soon as you download it.
(Windows will likely give you a 'warning', but, again, the file is safe.)
If you've downloaded the 'executable', just double-click on it to run (the file would be named PSREdit500_Setup_1.93R3.exe; 1.93R3 tells you the version #). You'll get a confirmation message asking if you want to run it, the usual "do you agree to the license" (which is standard with all software), etc. Then just continue through the default choices to let it instal & run PSREdit500 for the first time.
(If you downloaded the zipped file instead, you'd have to unzip, or decompress, it first either with Windows or a file utility, to get the PSREdit500_Setup_1.93R3.exe file needed for install.)
With PSREdit500 running, click on the "Help" menu at the top.
From the drop-down menu, choose "Enter new license key"
That's where you'll enter the information in the letter you got from Mike. That confirms that you purchased the software, so that it will keep working past the 30-day trial period you're allowed when first downloaded. Mike is very active on the forum's here (his user name is mikey60). You'll see him often in the Radio Shack and GRE forums, and, of course, the Scanner Software forum.
With the software installed & running, all you need is the scanner, install the drivers for the pc cable (those will be on the cd that comes with the scanner), and something to load in the scanner.