Over My Head

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Well I just got this license key thing, whatever that does. Got it from Mike. I don't know how it works, and why anyone has to have a license to get software in the first place. I guess I'll print off the email with the number on it. Don't know what else to do with it anyway. Reading, looks like it registers PSR500. Must be some kind of copyright deal.
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Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Well I just got this license key thing, whatever that does. Got it from Mike. I don't know how it works, and why anyone has to have a license to get software in the first place. I guess I'll print off the email with the number on it. Don't know what else to do with it anyway. Reading, looks like it registers PSR500. Must be some kind of copyright deal.
Go to Mike's website here.
In the section labeled "PSREdit500", there's a link labeled click here for more information about PSREdit500. or to download the latest version".
Here's that link:
PSREdit500 - Configuration Editor for the PSR-500, PSR-600, PRO-106, and PRO-197 Scanners

Now, click on Download, on the left menu. That will take you here:
Download PSREdit500

You can download the software as either a zip file (that's compressed), which is the one labeled "Zip file format", or as a "Setup executable format". Save whichever you choose to your computer, either the desktop, or some place you can easily find it. Depending on your internet browser, you'll get one or more warnings about downloading a file. Don't worry about it. The file is ok.

The zip file would require you to unzip (decompress) the file first, before you install it.

The 'setup executable' file would be ready to run as soon as you download it.
(Windows will likely give you a 'warning', but, again, the file is safe.)

If you've downloaded the 'executable', just double-click on it to run (the file would be named PSREdit500_Setup_1.93R3.exe; 1.93R3 tells you the version #). You'll get a confirmation message asking if you want to run it, the usual "do you agree to the license" (which is standard with all software), etc. Then just continue through the default choices to let it instal & run PSREdit500 for the first time.
(If you downloaded the zipped file instead, you'd have to unzip, or decompress, it first either with Windows or a file utility, to get the PSREdit500_Setup_1.93R3.exe file needed for install.)

With PSREdit500 running, click on the "Help" menu at the top.
From the drop-down menu, choose "Enter new license key"
That's where you'll enter the information in the letter you got from Mike. That confirms that you purchased the software, so that it will keep working past the 30-day trial period you're allowed when first downloaded. Mike is very active on the forum's here (his user name is mikey60). You'll see him often in the Radio Shack and GRE forums, and, of course, the Scanner Software forum.

With the software installed & running, all you need is the scanner, install the drivers for the pc cable (those will be on the cd that comes with the scanner), and something to load in the scanner.


I think I got it done, Steve. The last thing I saw was I didn't have the drivers yet, and we know they will come with the scanner. Thanks so much!


Yep she's sitting on my desktop ready to go! I was reading the editor and man, that thing sets EVERYTHING on that radio!

I think it might be good to have someone locally be present to help me figure out what I want to do and how to do it on this thing. I saw it even can set the colored led's! That is some program!
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No the software PSREdit. The logo is on the computer desktop.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
OK. I'm headed out for a groceries run. It's supposed to start raining, off & on, for the rest of the weekend. Maybe switching to a freezing mix by my commute home Monday evening. The North Central Expwy skating rink. Just what I wanted.

I'll put together a file, either finish it this evening or tomorrow. Never have seen, specifically, what else you might like, so for now, I'm going to take my best guess. Taylor, the surrounding counties, maybe the next layer outside that, lumped together in a scanlist. Once you see that in PSREdit, it will make more sense what I'm talking about.

TxDPS, Texas Forest Service (for the wildfires). Dyess AFB interest you?
I'll add KTAB (they're not in the database). Find the hospital paging frequency (it's not specified either). See what it shows on your 433.

Remember that you can always add to, or subtract from, anything in a file.


Sounds good, Steve. I'll take a look at the 433 see what all I want to use on the new one.


I don't know any of Dyess' freqs. anymore. Security was 164.20 years ago, but now...?? I live really close to it, and could pick 'em up really good.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I don't know any of Dyess' freqs. anymore. Security was 164.20 years ago, but now...?? I live really close to it, and could pick 'em up really good.
Here's a file. I went ahead & added Dyess, but if you want to lock out some or all of those, go ahead. After all, you're the one listening to this scanner.

To use this file, follow these directions carefully. In order to attach the file to a post, I have to "give" it an acceptable file extension. So, I added .txt to the file name to make it appear to be a text file.

What you need to do is save the file to your computer, somewhere you can find it easily, such as "My Documents" or the Desktop.
You'll save it from this post as Abilene 1.bin.txt
Now, once you've saved this file, go back to wherever it it, and right click on it, then choose "rename" from the pop-up menu.
Instead of totally renaming it, all you're going to do is erase that 'txt' (without the quotes, of course) from the end of the file name.
So, instead of it being named Abilene 1.bin.txt, it will just be Abilene 1.bin

Now, start PSREdit500 to open up the file so that you can see what's in there.
Select File->Open
Then, if you saved it to the Desktop or My Documents, use the shortcut icon to get to either of those places on the side of the 'open file' window.

For Taylor, and the counties that directly border it, I put each of those, plus Texas DPS on individual scanlists. That way, you can turn them on and off, just like you turned banks on & off on your old 433. Dyess, the Abilene EDACS system, and Texas Forest Service (for wildfires) are also on specified scanlists.

For the "second counties out" (the ones past the counties that directly border Taylor), I grouped those into four lists: Northern, Eastern, Southern, & Western Counties. Some of those will likely be out of range most of the time, but occasionally, when conditions are right, you might get them, so I added them.

For Texas DPS, I put the Abilene & Brownwood dispatch frequencies at the top of the list, along with Loraine & Big Spring. Those are also set to turn on the dark blue LED when reception is heard. (That's to show you how that works. Turn off the LED in the software, then re-send the file to the scanner, if you'd rather not see that.) After the Abilene area DPS frequencies, the entire statewide P25 Texas DPS channel plan is loaded. So, if conditions are good, you could hear other areas. The two medevac frequencies listed for Abilene are set to activate a yellow LED. (Again, just to show you that feature. I use red for fire, for instance.) All frequencies & talkgroups are set to turn on the backlight (on the display) so that you can see 'who's talking'. (This can also be turned off, or used on only some, if you prefer.)

There are about 230 frequencies and talkgroups programmed. You have room for another 1600+.
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Steve, I want to thank you for all the trouble you have gone to for me on this, but it appears I am going to have to find someone locally to go the rest of the way on all this. As long as I've had a computer, I've never had occasion to make a file or whatever you call it. That sounds dumb, so dumb I am.
If I do keep the radio, I will DEFINITELY have to have someone here in Abilene to help me the rest of the way. Again, my sincere thanks.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Steve, I want to thank you for all the trouble you have gone to for me on this, but it appears I am going to have to find someone locally to go the rest of the way on all this. As long as I've had a computer, I've never had occasion to make a file or whatever you call it. That sounds dumb, so dumb I am.
If I do keep the radio, I will DEFINITELY have to have someone here in Abilene to help me the rest of the way. Again, my sincere thanks.
I understand your concern.

Remember that you don't have to "make" the file; I've already done that. Only certain file types can be posted here. That's why I had to give it a new (though temporary) 'last name' of 'txt' in order to put it in my message.

If you don't feel comfortable doing it, just get someone to save that Abilene file, remove the extra file extension as I indicated above, then open it for you in PSREdit.

Once you have it open in PSREdit, and have the cable hooked up (after the drivers are loaded) to the pc & scanner, then you just click the menu item labeled "Radio", and select "Upload to radio" with the scanner already turned on.

The file below shows what's in the programming file above.
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Looks like I'll be doing a lot of locking out. I have no interest in the air traffic. Thanks Steve.
Maybe something will work out on all this. I know of no one here who could do that.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
The only 'air traffic' in there is Dyess & that used by Texas Forest Service for wildfires. (That's where you here them making drops on the fire line, if in range.) I did put the 'airport' talkgroup, from the Abilene system in, but that's easily locked out as well.


Sounds good, Steve. Aw, it'll all work out eventually, it's just the overwhelmed feeling from something new I've never done. But I do need someone locally, and I hope they catch this thread, to maybe help get this rolling. I would give them a little money for their trouble.

Do digital signals pick up better than analog? For example, I can't get Eastland Co., but wonder if on digital, it might come in? Thanks-


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Sounds good, Steve. Aw, it'll all work out eventually, it's just the overwhelmed feeling from something new I've never done. But I do need someone locally, and I hope they catch this thread, to maybe help get this rolling. I would give them a little money for their trouble.

Do digital signals pick up better than analog? For example, I can't get Eastland Co., but wonder if on digital, it might come in? Thanks-
It can vary a great deal. Digital does not necessarily travel more, or less, than the analog. But if you've read my past posts, I spend the occasional day at my friends' weekend place in Stephens County, down in the southeastern part (they live in Grand Prairie, go down there on weekends or when they have some time off; both are from Ranger). Sitting at their place, using either a small magnetic mount (on my SUV), or a whip antenna, I can often get counties in the 60 to 80 mile range. I have, on occasion, heard Nolan County (they're on the same frequency as Stephens, and at least 80 miles away), as well as others in the 60 miles or so. That's why I added the additional "second county out" groups. You may not hear them all the time (Eastland is a 'second county' east), but maybe occasionally. The 600 is sensitive, probably more than the 433, so it won't hurt to try.

Eastland is not digital yet, but they have applied to upgrade their FCC license to allow digital. Neither is Taylor (yet), but they are already licensed for digital transmissions. That's been the pattern out there in the "Big Country". The counties seem to be slowly converting over to digital. I've been seeing the license modifications come through where digital, among other things, has been added to existing licenses for many of the cities and counties out there. (That does not mean they're using it immediately, but it allows them to, when ready.) Some, like Nolan and Stephens are using the same dispatch frequency for both analog and digital transmissions (in other words, mixed modes). So, what I did, for the counties basically adjacent to Taylor, is that if they only showed analog (like Callahan does at this point), I have added a second entry for them as a 'digital search', so that it will pick them up if & when they make the switch. Taylor is also set up this way, so you won't miss out if they switch.


Sounds great! That's one good radio to get both digital and analog on the same channel. I have a feeling I'm going to be really thrilled with the 600 once it's up and running. It will be good to hear the Dyess security stuff on digital. I remember way back when the news anchor at KTAB told me they had made the digital switch. That was 3 years ago. It would be nice to hear Stephens County as that is where my wife, with the Lord since Dec. 18th 2009, and I started out and married. She was a scanner listener too. We had so much in common. Getting off topic here, but man I hurt and miss her.

Anyway I sure look forward to the new listening experience. Maybe someone can be scared up that can do a 3-D visit to be sure I don't mess up, or do it to keep me from messing up. :)


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I did put your KTAB frequency in there (in case you did not notice).

As I said, my buddy & his wife are both originally from Ranger. We used to have deer leases down in that area, & often stayed at his folks place in Ranger. Watched KTAB many a time 'back in the day'.


Thanks Steve, I did see good ol' KTAB. Sometimes Bob Bartlett will gab to the cars in the field on a major wreck of fire. I heard him last week. I have their input freq. on there too, 468.2750 and heard Bob on the input channel, loud and clear from his news desk on the set one night from his handheld during the newscast! While the weather guy was doing weather, he came on that HH and asked what was going on, at whatever it was, a fire or something. I live just about 3 blocks from the station is why I could get him full quieting on the handheld out on the news set.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
We have quite a few media channels here in the DFW area. See this list.
I keep them in my 396XT, which is what I grab going out the door, to get a heads up on the traffic. The tv stations will start chattering about something happening, as they get reporters or the chopper, headed that way, and then I start paying closer attention, to see what's up. That's one reason for more scanners. This is a much larger, denser, area than Abilene. Just look at what all is included in the DFW Metro area.

By the way, I also added the S.A.M.E. codes, for weather alerts, in that file, so you can, if desired, use them. Also, once you get that file loaded, when you turn the scanner on, the screen will say "Welcome to Abilene".

The opening screen on my scanners is my name, my email address, my cell #, and "reward if found". You can change your opening screen to whatever you like, via PSREdit. Or, on the scanner (it's easier in the software).
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