Is there technical limitations, besides antenna size, why P25 isn't used on low band, or is it being used?
Thing is, the whole point of low band is propagation propagation propagation. If it won't propagate long distances, there's no reason to use VL. Analog provides far superior weak-signal long-distance communication than any digital waveform. If security or digital clarity is required, SINCGARS FHSS does lose some distance compared to analog, but provides far superior anti-interference control to P25, as it is not restricted to one jammable frequency at a time. So, VL is almost always going to be used by the professionals in either plain analog mode or FHSS depending on commo requirements.
Holy thread resurrection!
Holy crap I didn't even notice that. I think there was a newer reply that got deleted or something, because I remember this being tagged unread.
A friend and I were talking about this earlier this month. Though, we weren't talking C4FM but more TDMA on lowband. Low power (25W max) smaller scale systems could actually fill a need for the ag industry in rural parts of the country at a lower cost of infrastructure compared to anything else. The big issue that arises, the primary companies that would be willing to manufacture the equipment are based in countries that don't have low band usage.I actually have been pondering the same thing - as to why there really isnt any P25 on low band
Low band would actually be a decent option for P25 due to the characteristics of low band being efficient over long distances - and the nature of digital voice is that it is rather inefficient over longer distances so it would be a intresting match up...
I would imagine the reason would be the fact that P25 or any digital voice pretty much is required to be narrow band whereas low band is not - and i also think that manufacturers dont really want to make any major advances on low band equipment at the moment...
The big push for all these 7/800mhz inter operable P25 systems is going to create quite a bit of noise floor/interference so it would be valuable for manufacturers to start considering other options for P25 spectrum...
The thing about low band is as i mentioned it does have the ability to travel several miles and even over state lines depending on the conditions - and low band is also more prone to interference from things such as baby monitors and power lines so i dont know if/how that would affect digital voice because like someone else pointed out - with digital voice its either all or nothing...
Much of the fire dispatching and paging is my area is actually still done on low band - and has been efficient for many years but what alot of departments are doing now due to the decrease in support for low band pagers is they will simulcast their pager tones and dispatch over a high band frequency as well - and that is also because most of the tac/fireground channels are on highband portables therefore making the dispatch channel compatible with the portables...
Portable radio operation on low band is pretty much an impossibility. Mobile only systems are practical. However the noise floor is very unpredictable and you need to design the system with the expectation that some sites will get hammered by either manmade or natural noise sources. Also the mobile is susceptible to noise. It used to be that diesel trucks got along well with low band, but now the vehicle electronics are troublesome.
Could have low powered cross band mobile repeaters that would connect to handhelds over VHF high or UHF.