Did some testing with _1934. Here are my notes.
**During testing - NO Encrypted Audio was transmitted** (Video attached again has Unitrunker running along with P25RX software. No P4 Service types)
Startup on initial flash of new software _1934
1 - System ID still alternating between 0x1e7 and 0x3ac
2 - No NAC registered. Console reports NAC as 0x000. ProCom96 and Unitrunker both report this system as having a NAC of 1E3
3 - Site ID is correct. System Zone reported by Unitrunker as BEE00-1E7 and Site ID is 001-003
4 - On a voice grant - P25RX is getting the reported frequency/talkgroup/slot correct (Can confirm with SDR Trunk running on alternate computer) but still have an error message of:
$TDMA need wacn, sys_id, and nac before P2 can decode. please wait.
5 - No logged TGID's
6 - No audio at all. (Not surprising since no NAC. Previous test, the P25RX did pickup a NAC but audio was garbled)
Changing the Talkgroup Timeout to 500ms/1 second/3 seconds
Same as on initial flash.
If you watch the video attached, there's a decent (it's a smaller site than the Orting or Tacoma sites) amount of traffic coming through. You can see the voice grants on the left in Unitrunker and see the error messages in the P25RX console on the right. Even see a system busy indicator on the left in Unitrunker for a WSP unit trying to access the system.
I've included the console log this time as well.
bandicam 2020-08-26 20-09-42-623.mp4
I'm not sure what I can provide to help out. Raw IQ recordings, diagnostic logs from my Unication G5, or whatever. I'll have the chance on Saturday to travel into other areas of the county and can do some testing of the other sites (I'll most likely head towards Orting since that site has a very nice mix of traffic on the County system/1E7 and it's in a good place to monitor SS911/3AC)
The architecture of these 2 systems is interesting to say the least.