I've been looking for the new Parkersburg Fire frequency since I read the article in the News about it. Now I just have to figure out how to pick it up in Ritchie County.
I heard through the grapevine that it's still in place and could remain so, but that public safety users have left it because they were finding it difficult to get talkgroup time with all of the non-PS traffic (public works, etc.). LTR has no preemption scheme; it's all first-come, first-serve. So an officer down might have to wait for a request to scoop up a dead possum.
Sounds like when they implemented the TRS, they didn't do their homework prior to it going online. LTR is not very public safety friendly. They should have either stayed Conventional, or, gone with Motorola or EDACS.
LTR radio = $400. EDACS or Moto radio = $4,000. And if your demands aren't great, LTR will do the job. I think they just overloaded the system. No reason why LTR couldn't have worked with the proper number of repeaters.