Pickaway County migration to Ohio MARCS - June 2018

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Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
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Sep 22, 2002
I just put in what I find on freescan which lists the city but never hear anything

Make sure each TOW site is programmed as a separate system and don't forget the XSCOMM talkgroups. While they can be connected to the normal system they usually are not; regular talkgroups do not roam to them.

My understanding of the mobile sites (from the MARCS pages on the DAS website) was that the Mobile Sites were used to supplement the existing permanent infrastructure, not to create infrastructure out of thin air...

From the MARCS webpage: The TOWs are used to supplement coverage and/or to add capacity to an area where an emergency or event is occurring.

The TOW would appear to be filling the "and/or" role here, as they did with the RNC a couple of years ago, although I think here they're primarily adding capacity.

They're also used to temporarily fill in for a permanent site that's down for whatever reason.


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
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Sep 22, 2002
I heard them last night and today. Probably busy with the Pumpkin Fest. I caught some short TXs on 39611, 39774, and 39619. Not enough to confirm.

I concur that they're probably busy at Pumpkin Show. In the past before they migrated from EDACS, 90% of the traffic on their dispatch channel during the show was stuff happening at the show itself; life slowed to a crawl in the rest of the city while the show was open.

Most of the show traffic is on the XSCOMM talkgroups now.

Before opening in the AM and after closing in the PM (after the thundering herd was gone), traffic was nearly normal on the regular dispatch talkgroup.
Jun 5, 2016
Columbus, Ohio
So the part I'm trying to figure out is on MARCS, we have 10 "Event Channels" and theoretically those are assigned to the county site. That same site, which was the primary site for the EDACS handled show traffic as well as normal day to day traffic. (which should cover downtown with handheld coverage)

What has made the switch to the P25 system cause us to seeming abandon logic and bring in one of the TOW's? (unless the migration isn't complete and the EDACS is still functioning in some capacity...)


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
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Sep 22, 2002
So the part I'm trying to figure out is on MARCS, we have 10 "Event Channels" and theoretically those are assigned to the county site. That same site, which was the primary site for the EDACS handled show traffic as well as normal day to day traffic. (which should cover downtown with handheld coverage)

What has made the switch to the P25 system cause us to seeming abandon logic and bring in one of the TOW's? (unless the migration isn't complete and the EDACS is still functioning in some capacity...)

Got me, but you're preaching to the choir; I've asked myself those questions on a number of occasions.

Someone at the City of Circleville apparently made a decision; having operations on two different systems definitely complicates things, though, especially considering that not everybody has the TOW sites in their radios.
Jun 5, 2016
Columbus, Ohio
Well, I found where they parked the 5A1 Mobile site, it was down behind Station 2, on the south side of town which explains why I had trouble receiving it from my location on the east side of town. It also wasn't very high in elevation.

Now that the annual event is over, I'll be resuming my search of who's using what in the county. I need to spin up a Windows VM and let unitrunker do it's thing so I can actually use my scanner again...
Jun 5, 2016
Columbus, Ohio
So I spun up the VM, and have my dongles monitoring MARCS...

On A whim I changed one of the dongles to monitor the control channel on the EDACS. Wouldn't you know there is still activity on Talkgroup 1617? It's listed in the database as "Jail Control" (In analog) but Unitrunker is reporting it as a digital transmission. Not sure if it's Provoice or Aegis, my PSR-800 won't do either. Anyone out there able to shed some light on this one?

Guess we know why the Mobile Site was rolled out to support the Pumpkin show...
Jun 5, 2016
Columbus, Ohio
Saw the Berger MX talkgroup (60738) added to the MARCS. 60740 has radios that bounce between 738 and 740. I think it's a safe bet to assume that 740 is something relating to the hospital as well
Jun 5, 2016
Columbus, Ohio
I have a question about the tones on FD65DISP...

When I hear them they are distorted and I'm trying to find out if it's my PSR-800 or if it's something in the transmitted signal.

Anyone know how the tones are generated?


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
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Sep 22, 2002
I have a question about the tones on FD65DISP...

When I hear them they are distorted and I'm trying to find out if it's my PSR-800 or if it's something in the transmitted signal.

Anyone know how the tones are generated?

The SO is (was) using older model control station radios which do not reproduce tones well on P25.

However, it's a moot point; appears they moved to the new dispatch center yesterday, as everything sounds so much nicer now.

If that were the case, wouldn't the tones on CFD and MECC sound different as well?

Columbus FD and MECC are using consoles connected directly to the radio system, so nasty sounding tones aren't an issue. Pickaway County and Circleville have consoles which use control station radios instead of a direct connection.


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
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Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
EDACS gone

The EDACS system disappeared today, and there are several new encrypted talkgroups showing up on the Pickaway County tower site. Looks like the migration is complete. . .
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