Hello, I'm a super newb to radio. OK, so here goes. I've been looking for a legit solution for back country off-roading communication. FRS won't cut it distance-wise -- tried that. None of us are licensed for GMRS, and I kind of think paying $70 for that license would probably lead to the FCC immediately dropping the license requirement. It'd be just my luck. So with no license I haven't tried the GMRS setup. I also read about MURS, but I don't have a MURS radio, and the 2 watt limitation has me leery of it being a solution. But maybe the VHF signal would be better on the trail?
I also found PMR446. This was a new one to me but alas, .5w isn't going to cut it.
So is my only option to get a Tech license so I can talk to myself? The prospect of the others obtaining their HAM license for a casual four or five times a year gathering is nil. From the maps I've seen, most of the wilderness areas around here are repeaterless.
Of course the Chinese HT route seems tempting. Low buy-in and all, but it's apparently not type-accepted for FRS, GMRS or MURS. I'm an adult, so illegal isn't my thing.
So far it seems the options are:
Chinese HT at 8W on FRS = possibly would work but illegal
Chinese HT at 8W on GMRS = possibly would work but illegal, and the others aren't family, so all need to buy license
Chinese HT at 8W on MURS = possibly would work but illegal
Chinese HT at 8W on PMR446 = not sure if it would work but illegal anyway
Legit GMRS radio at decent power w/ license = possibly would work, IS legal, all of us buy a $70 joke license
HT at 8W on VHF w/ Tech license = possibly would work, IS legal, but still issue of licensing the others
HT at 8W on UHF w/ Tech license = possibly would work, IS legal, but still issue of licensing the others
Any suggestions? Obviously for such an infrequent encounter the cost barrier needs to be appropriately proportioned with the use case. In other words, the gear needs to be good enough to use, but not stupid expensive.
I also found PMR446. This was a new one to me but alas, .5w isn't going to cut it.
So is my only option to get a Tech license so I can talk to myself? The prospect of the others obtaining their HAM license for a casual four or five times a year gathering is nil. From the maps I've seen, most of the wilderness areas around here are repeaterless.
Of course the Chinese HT route seems tempting. Low buy-in and all, but it's apparently not type-accepted for FRS, GMRS or MURS. I'm an adult, so illegal isn't my thing.
So far it seems the options are:
Chinese HT at 8W on FRS = possibly would work but illegal
Chinese HT at 8W on GMRS = possibly would work but illegal, and the others aren't family, so all need to buy license
Chinese HT at 8W on MURS = possibly would work but illegal
Chinese HT at 8W on PMR446 = not sure if it would work but illegal anyway
Legit GMRS radio at decent power w/ license = possibly would work, IS legal, all of us buy a $70 joke license
HT at 8W on VHF w/ Tech license = possibly would work, IS legal, but still issue of licensing the others
HT at 8W on UHF w/ Tech license = possibly would work, IS legal, but still issue of licensing the others
Any suggestions? Obviously for such an infrequent encounter the cost barrier needs to be appropriately proportioned with the use case. In other words, the gear needs to be good enough to use, but not stupid expensive.