• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Potential g5 buyer 2024


Nov 18, 2024
Livonia NY
Hello all . I have been away from the scanning hobby for a while . I have decided to get back to listening/scanning . My question is I found a nice used g5 deal locally and I am wondering if these pager/scanners are worth seeking here at the end of 2024 . Will it be supported for years to come ? I also have an old file for the g5 from 4 years ago vhf split . I miss the audio quality and how it handles simulcast vs my sds scanners . Just curious if buying a used one (g5) will continue to be supported in the future . I haven’t read it anywhere new series of pagers . Just don’t wanna have a paperweight months down the road . Would you buy a mint used g5 today ? Thanks


Jun 19, 2018
Mount Orab, Ohio
It's a personal choice as to which "scanner" or monitor is best for any person. I have both the SDS100 & SDS200 as well as a G4. For me the G4 is my goto for monitoring a single site. Great audio. However, when I want to scan several sites/systems the SDS is the best. Just my thoughts.

BTY- the software for programming the Unication pagers has changed several times in the last few years. Your file may not work with the newer software.

Good Luck!


Premium Subscriber
Mar 31, 2007
Southwest, IL
I have 2 G5's and a G4, and only recently started my "Unication Journey". Since while at home I only monitor one system at a time, (simulcast) they've performed flawlessly for me. My Unication's were acquired at a good price and definitely "NOT" mint, but 100% working. I cannot comment to importing an old file into the new PPS but I read in one of the other groups "somewhere" that it was possible so I don't honestly know. Given firmware upgrades and such, it might be more beneficial to honestly start a fresh plug on PPS 4.0 to help avoid hiccups. Good luck!


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
You may want to read this post which is the same thing you are asking
