• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

power failure monitoring at tower site

Apr 30, 2008
Pittsboro IN
What do you guys use to let you know shore power went away?

I got a call yesterday from our county radio tech after he went to a site and found our tornado warning siren system and 2 other repeaters were down.
He called the Motorola comm shop to see if they knew, their tech texted some photos of the last time he was there and I was in one so I got the call.

I offered to autograph the photo but for some reason Cameron turned me down, millennials have little respect for us old folks.

I got on the FCC's ASR site after finding out my bookmark was bad and got with Crown castle.
The NOC (if there were 2 next to each other the "what knockers!" line from Young Frankenstein would be appropriate)
guy called back a few minutes later and said the electric meter is in our county's name, even gave me the meter number from a photo they have on file.

Since it looks like this is self inflicted I'd like to give our building manager a way to monitor for all critical sites.


May 3, 2003
We monitor the automatic transfer switches via Modbus. Voltage and current for both legs of the commercial power service are ATS Modbus registers reported to the network management system.

A Zabbix NMS monitors & logs all the Modbus data and sends alerts when anything is abnormal.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
My -48volt and inverter systems monitor for me and will alert us. It can do that by sending an e-mail to our group, and it'll trigger an alarm input on our PBX for those sites.

I've been using DPS Telecom site monitoring equipment to give me room temperature and a sensor that lets me know if there's water on the floor. I have a few sites without suitable DC power plants, and I use an external module to monitor AC power and feed that into the DPS Telelcom box.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 17, 2010
i second the DPS tempdefender line, we use them at a lot of fiber huts. nice units, easy to set up and monitor plenty of analog and digital inputs as well as give you actual room temp. they have a built in sensor and a separate plug in one so you can put it in a second area to get a more accurate read.


Feb 24, 2007
St Paul, MN
We monitor the automatic transfer switches via Modbus.
Modbus is a good system but I have found less and less people who know the program. About 8 years ago, on my new installations switched to SNMP which is part of the TCP/IP architecture. Get great cooperation out of the I-T people because it is part of their world. Besides all legs of the power, monitor the generator, door entry, smoke, hazard lights, water on floor even the gas level in the propane tank. Difference with SNMP and Modbus is you need an internet circuit to the site. All of my new sites have at least a microwave connection and many have fiber.


Apr 28, 2003
Cary, NC
I've put in some Davicom DV200 panels in at muni radio sites, and helped with some other sites. Good stuff, nice, flexible and powerful.