SDS100/SDS200: Practice Programming Uniden SDS100

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May 2, 2022
I recently purchased an SDS100 fully programmed for my area. I really enjoy the scanner, however, with the scanner being fully programmed it leaves me longing to figure out how to program and operate it on my own. I'm very new with this type of scanner and don't want to mess up what's been programmed. I was thinking of taking out the pre-programmed sd-card, and replacing with a blank one. That way I can practice programming it, and not stress about screwing up the pre-programmed card. Does this sound like a good idea? Just throwing it out there, and I'm definitely open for any others input.


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
I wouldn't change the SD card in the SDS100 unless you need to. The first thing you need to do is download and install Sentinel, free programming software provided by Uniden: BCDx36HPSentinel < UnidenMan4 < TWiki Turn on your scanner. Plug in the programming cable. Press E to enter USB Mass Storage. In Sentinel, go to the Tools tab and select SDS100 as the Target Model. Go to the Scanner tab and Read from Scanner. The programming in the scanner will be read into Sentinel. Go to the File tab and Save. You will see the favorites lists programmed into your scanner. Here is a manual to help you get started programming your own favorites lists: BCDX36HP Sentinel Software Manual ( One word of warning: Do not delete favorites lists from Sentinel unless you never want to use them again. Once deleted, a favorites list is gone forever unless it is still in the scanner and can be recovered by reading the scanner again. The favorites lists are shared by any new Profiles you may create. You can create a backup SD card using Sentinel and the card reader in your computer.
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Premium Subscriber
Oct 15, 2015
Lorain, Ohio
Yes, you should get another SD card to have as a backup...

But in the meantime,,,
For a complete and total backup of your pre programmed card...
Connect the scanner in "Mass Storage" mode to your computer as @tvengr stated above...
That lets the SD card in the scanner look like an external Drive/Card Reader to the computer...
That is also the same mode you would use when using "Sentinel" for programming your scanner...

Then open windows "Explorer" and find your scanner's SD card and open it...

Card Backup.jpg

Then copy the "BCDx36HP" folder to your computer...
That folder is the COMPLETE backup of your scanner's SD card...

You can copy that folder back to an SD card anytime to have your pre programmed setup back...

You can do this anytime to have a complete backup of the SD card as you start learning to program it too...
Just make sure you don't overwright the pre programmed folder though...
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May 2, 2022
I wouldn't change the SD card in the SDS100 unless you need to. The first thing you need to do is download and install Sentinel, free programming software provided by Uniden: BCDx36HPSentinel < UnidenMan4 < TWiki Turn on your scanner. Plug in the programming cable. Press E to enter USB Mass Storage. In Sentinel, go to the Tools tab and select SDS100 as the Target Model. Go to the Scanner tab and Read from Scanner. The programming in the scanner will be read into Sentinel. Go to the File tab and Save. You will see the favorites lists programmed into your scanner. Here is a manual to help you get started programming your own favorites lists: BCDX36HP Sentinel Software Manual ( One word of warning: Do not delete favorites lists from Sentinel unless you never want to use them again. Once deleted, a favorites list is gone forever unless it is still in the scanner and can be recovered by reading the scanner again. The favorites lists are shared by any new Profiles you may create. You can create a backup SD card using Sentinel and the card reader in your computer.
Thank you so much!


Premium Subscriber
Aug 12, 2021
Washington State
From my experience, the Sentinel software is fine for upgrading the firmware and downloading the national database, but for everything else I use ProScan.

From my personal experience, I found it's drag & drop feature makes it super easy to create a favorites file from the national database. I also use it to set my avoids, delay times, and a few other items per frequency as needed. Seeing a duplicate of everything on screen while it's running is pretty neat too.

I really don't want to sound like a commercial for ProScan, but in all my long years, it's the first program I've ever purchased so quickly, it's that good. I might also mention that you get lifetime updates. Now there is only one thing I don't like about it, if you don't want to do the upgrade, it'll bug you about it every time you start the program until you comply.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
Now there is only one thing I don't like about it, if you don't want to do the upgrade, it'll bug you about it every time you start the program until you comply.
That can be turned off in the Start Up options. Uncheck the box " Check For Newest Version..."
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