President Bush Visit to San Antonio

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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
It was the differences in the pre and postambles - Facinator actually uses a different rate of CVSD which, believe it or not, lends itself to sound slightly different.


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Hey, I know this thread is old .... but I am just now reading it ... so it's new to me :)
I had heard on the news the President was going to be in town so I had my scanner on.
Before AF1 landed, I could hear other pilots "indirectly" mention small hints and you could
tell some were put out having to divert and delay their flights in and out of SA International.
I just happened to be on my way to work at the exact time AF1 flew over 281 on appraoch.
It lQQked very cool and impossible to miss thats for sure. One thing Lindsay that I thought about
was why LOTS of groups of SAPD cuisers and SAPD SUV's were parked all along 281 and 410 ?
I must have seen 20 to 30 SAPD cars as I drove from 281 & Thousand Oaks up to the airport
and then onto Loop 410 East. Soooo, I was wondering were they there to Bust up any suspicious
persons / vehicles trying to get off a shoulder mounted SAM shot at AF1 ? I think I remmeber hearing somewhere that something like 43 aircraft have been brought down by these nasty weapons !
I feel strongly that this is what caused the downing of TWA Flight 800 back in 1996 and NOT
some magicaly exploding fuel tank that nobody/Boeing/NTSB could ever duplicate as their listed cause !
Anyways, as the morning traffic crawled along and I finally was onto Loop 410 and peaked at where
AF1 had parked ... I saw it over by the Wetmore Road side of SA International ... I want to say
parked at or darn near the FedEx facitly and not far from the Hallmark Areospace School area.

Well, basically I just keep the SS freqs in my dedicated "Federal" bank to know when there is "activity"
not that I can actually hear anything intelible. Every blue moon I will hear an FBI freq in FM analog
in the early monring and then two guys say like a "number code of the day" and pQQf ! it's scambled !

ps ~ OK Anybodys guess as to what the city police's mission was of being placed along the highways ?
My thought was that they were there to bring traffic to a complete halt so that the President and his
motorcade would have to whole road to themselves for both speed and security purposes,
however, considering his route taken into the fund raiser, all the cops on 281 North don't
make complete sense to me other than to curtail any suspicous vehicles as AF1 approaches SA.
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Founder and CEO
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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans

281 at Thousand Oaks to 410 East was the motorcade route. They are placed there to make sure no one pulls over onto the shoulder on the route, and to make sure that the motorcade route is clean of stalled cars etc. If a car stalls etc on the shoulder of the route, they will immediately have it towed and ask questions later.


May 18, 2005
New Braunfels, TX

281 at Thousand Oaks to 410 East was the motorcade route. They are placed there to make sure no one pulls over onto the shoulder on the route, and to make sure that the motorcade route is clean of stalled cars etc. If a car stalls etc on the shoulder of the route, they will immediately have it towed and ask questions later.

Me and texasemt13 were listening in and coordinating our drive to work so we could have a chance to spot AF1. We pulled over on the S 281 access road right past the runway lights that go over the highway and started waving cars around us. There were no SAPD units that we saw on that side(plenty on the North bound side at the corners of the airport as usual). We sat there for about 3-4 minutes.

If Secret Service vigilance is even half of what I think it is, then I'm sure that we were spotted stopping, luckily we weren't hassled, especially before we could snap a couple photos. The second to last time Bush was here, his motorcade route went through a bunch of neighborhoods behind my lab, avoiding most of the busier roads.


Dec 19, 2002
On the move
"If Secret Service vigilance is even half of what I think it is, then I'm sure that we were spotted stopping, luckily we weren't hassled, especially before we could snap a couple photos. The second to last time Bush was here, his motorcade route went through a bunch of neighborhoods behind my lab, avoiding most of the busier roads."

Funny how you can not feel the cross-hairs of a .50 on you. ( just kidding)

If you saw AF-1, I am sure you also saw the support A/C parked on the ramp near T-2. Lots of toys in that bad boy.

Those officers parked on the road are also used for rolling road-blocks.


May 18, 2005
New Braunfels, TX
Funny how you can not feel the cross-hairs of a .50 on you. ( just kidding)

If you saw AF-1, I am sure you also saw the support A/C parked on the ramp near T-2. Lots of toys in that bad boy.

Those officers parked on the road are also used for rolling road-blocks.

Actually I'd be more concerned about running afoul of one of these(not that a .50 BMG is anything to scoff at):


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
I was thinking that the motorcade route would have been out the gate by Wetmore road where AF1
was parked and then over into the Alamo Heights area .... I remember his last fund raiser stop here in SA was over in a private residence in Terrel Hills. So where was the Presidents destination this time ?
I recall he has flown into RAFB and Kelly Field at LAFB, one would think that a busy and public airport would NOT be the SS's 1st choice as far as security in concerned.

OK, lastly, I have had a frequency in my "Air Traffic" bank called "Air Force One = 415.7000 FM"
I'm thinking that there is VERY little chance that I or anyone else has ever heard traffic on this freq ?
I seem to recal it being listed as a phone patch freq, but I still haven't heard and calls between
Bush and Cheney and or any staff member discussing and Nuclear Secrets ... lol yeah right ... :))

ps ~ Anybody just happen to know anything about aircraft transponders ... their freqs and modes ?
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