BCD436HP/BCD536HP: Pressing The Volume Knob Does Nothing (BCD536HP)


10+ Years Listening
Premium Subscriber
Sep 9, 2016
Wilmette, IL
Not sure why, but pressing the Volume knob on my BCD536HP all the sudden doesn't do anything. I can't change the dimness of the backlight, and when trying to view the P25 Adjustment Mode (Func + Volume), it wouldn't do that either. However, when turning the knob, it still adjusts the volume just fine. I'm stumped, so any help is appreciated.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
Sounds like a defective switch. The feature you have lost is just one action that switch controls, but since it’s all included as one component, the entire switch needs to be replaced. But first, how does the switch feel when you push it? Is it the same normal feel?If it feels normal, you might try returning the radio to factory specs and reloading your programming. If that works you probably had a corrupted SD Card. If it doesn’t feel like it did when it worked it’s probably broken. If you are good with minor repairs you could replace the switch yourself but Uniden will do it for a flat repair fee.

That particular switch controls the obvious volume adjustment, but with extras. It’s also what’s referred to as a “ganged switch”, where pushing down on the knob gives you an additional push button type of switch which can be assigned to other functions. (Other ganged switches even have another function “stacked”. So, when designing portable handheld radios there’s only one hole that needs to be present for controls… important when considering there ain’t much room for additional control functions on a handheld.


10+ Years Listening
Premium Subscriber
Sep 9, 2016
Wilmette, IL
When you push in on the volume knob, do you feel and hear a click? If not, there is a problem with the switch.
Yes, I do feel and hear it.
If it feels normal, you might try returning the radio to factory specs and reloading your programming. If that works you probably had a corrupted SD Card.
I think it was the Micro SD. Earlier, I inserted my back-up card (the original that came with it), and the knob functioned perfectly. I even re-inserted the other card, and it still worked. Weird how that happens, but I'm glad I can rule out a switch issue. Thanks for the help!


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
I think it was the Micro SD. Earlier, I inserted my back-up card (the original that came with it), and the knob functioned perfectly. I even re-inserted the other card, and it still worked. Weird how that happens, but I'm glad I can rule out a switch issue.
Take the covers off of the scanner and check the plug going to the volume/dimmer control. It may be loose or dirty. Reseat the plug.