PRO 106 programming help needed!!!

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Dec 31, 2003
Toms River, New Jersey
The more I read your posts the more I get confused. When you set up a file in win500 with everything you want to listen to, you uplad it to the scanner, when you turn the scanner on you'll be listening to that setup.

V-Folders are like holders for other files you set up in win500, lets' say the file you listen to everyday is called UnionCty, now you going to travel to OceanCty, in win 500 you can set up a file for ocean county and load it to a v-folder. When you get to ocean county you load the v-folder into memory, now you'll scan oceancty file, on your way home you can load your v-folder for Unioncty back into memory and you'll scan that now, you can't load 2 v-folders into your scanner at the same time.

Am I heading down the right road as far as your questions go?


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Jul 6, 2008
If he was local I would SHOW him how to do what he wants to do,even though I've given him directions for using V Scanner mode(which I hope he knows is different from normal scan mode)for saving systems for later use in Win500


Mar 17, 2006
Union county, NJ
Programming the PRO106 V folders

Ok I tried to follow along with your directions. It saved the one file to a folder named New Jersey on the scanner v folder on # 00. I then tried to load a second file named Myrtle Beach. It did not go through. It came up with words Nothing Enabled pri. when I tried to do anything it says HEAP Error, 21561F : 215D. I cant get to the vscanner folder or listen to anything. What the heck am I doing wrong ????? Helpe me....I have owned scanners since my old BEarcat 3, and many since then. This is by far the most challenging and confusing radio I have ever encountered. I thought the ancient SBE Optican ith the binary codes was tough till I bought this one...


Dec 31, 2003
Toms River, New Jersey
Ok I tried to follow along with your directions. It saved the one file to a folder named New Jersey on the scanner v folder on # 00. I then tried to load a second file named Myrtle Beach. It did not go through. It came up with words Nothing Enabled pri. when I tried to do anything it says HEAP Error, 21561F : 215D. I cant get to the vscanner folder or listen to anything. What the heck am I doing wrong ????? Helpe me....I have owned scanners since my old BEarcat 3, and many since then. This is by far the most challenging and confusing radio I have ever encountered. I thought the ancient SBE Optican ith the binary codes was tough till I bought this one...

Are you creating and saving a seperate p.500 file for the different folders you want to use?
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