On a Pro-2055 I need to remove the volume and squelch knobs to lubricate so they don’t stick. Which knob comes off first the center or outer ring
I had two Pro2096 scanners that did that. Tried several things but the shafts like to turn together due to age and poor design. Over the years the shaft bends just enough to cause this problem. The control is no longer available. I saw where someone made a small rubber washer that went behind the squelch which increased the effort necessary to rotate the knob. I got tired of holding the squelch while I rotated the volume.The knobs don’t turn separately both turn together. The inner and outer shaft are rubbing each other and get stuck together
I've used small pliers and a washcloth so I don't mark the knob. Perhaps ask for help from your dentist (as it's like pulling teeth).Having issues pulling off the knobess. I hate to use a pliers.