I recently got a GREAT deal on a display model RS Pro 83 scanner (20-501). It didnt come with a manual or packaging, just the scanner, but I grabbed the manual from the web and have read over it twice now and cannot find how to do a master reset to this scanner. They left it in signal stalker mode at the store and its loaded with pagers, fast food and every 2 way radio system in the county, the problem is it came from the Shack in another county and half the stuff in it is just digital hash or birdies. Does anyone know how to do a master clear on this thing? Can it be done without the programming cable and software? Also, is the programming cable from Rdio Shack special or can I make it using a DB9 and a headphone plug? I have consulted the Wiki and turned up nothing and I have searched the forums and turned up nothing.
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