• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Programming an old Standard GX1500U


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2023
Michigan, USA
Hello. I have someone who I have programmed/aligned several old radios for, now he has an old Standard GX1500U for me. For whatever reason I can find very little information about this radio online. All I have been able to find is that it was likely made in the early or mid 90s. I have found a service manual but does not cover the programming side, only some hardware alignment. I am in search of any info I can find- does it use radio service software/code plug software, or EEPROM programming? And if it does use an RSS or CPS does anyone know what it was called, model number, or where I might be able to find it? Also, is the programming cable a typical programming cable that uses the same jack as the microphone or something else? Thank you.


Dec 21, 2006
I THINK I've got the right one. It uses a DOS type with mouse support. VHF or UHF. You'll need a slower/OLD operating system.
GX1508 PPS. You MIGHT be able to adapt a VPL-1 or CT-42 instead of finding an actual PPS and cable.

This is the Read Me -

To run this programming package, you need the following hardware and software:
* an IBM PC, XT, AT or 100% compatible computer
* at least the minimum amount of free memory (RAM) shown in Table 1
* a 5.25-inch double-sided floppy disk drive
* MS-DOS version 3.0 or higher
---------------------------- CAUTION -----------------------------

It is important to back up this diskette before using it for programming purposes. Do not use the master diskette
to run the program. Keep the master diskette in a safe place. Installing DOS on it is not recommended. Master
diskettes should be kept in their original state in the event that copies become damaged. Refer to a DOS manual
for instructions on backing up a diskette.
To check the amount of free memory, insert the diskette into the disk drive and at the DOS prompt type:
MEMORY <ENTER> Compare the amount of free memory shown on the display with the
amount from Table 1 for the model you wish to program. In order to run this programming package, you must have at least the amount of
free memory (RAM) specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Minimum Free Memory (RAM) Requirements
HX240 ..................... 202 Kbytes
HX340 ..................... 116 Kbytes
HX440 ..................... 434 Kbytes
HX530 ...................... 97 Kbytes
GX1500 .................... 324 Kbytes
GX2000 .................... 124 Kbytes
GX3200 .................... 449 Kbytes

To start the program, at the DOS prompt type in "PPS" followed by
the numeral-portion only of the model number:
A: PPS(model number) <ENTER> (for floppy drive), or
C: PPS(model number) <ENTER> (for hard drive)
Example: To load the program for programming the GX1500 from the A:
drive, enter:
A: PPS1500 <ENTER>
The program will load and display the Menu Bar across the top of
the screen. A menu window in the center of the screen will display
the version number and ask if you are using a color or monochrome
display. Select the correct response with the <TAB> key and then
press the <ENTER> key or the space bar.
All of the programming functions are grouped into submenus. To
access the submenus, press the <ALT> key; the first submenu will be selected and one letter of each of the other submenus will be
highlighted. The other submenus can be selected with the "UP ARROW" and "DOWN ARROW" cursor keys. Press <ENTER> to select the
highlighted submenu or press the key corresponding to the
highlighted letter to select any of the other submenus.
When a submenu is selected, a pull-down menu will appear with all
of the submenu items displayed. Again, the first item will be
highlighted and each of the other items will have a highlighted
letter. The other items in the submenu can be selected with the
"UP ARROW" and "DOWN ARROW" cursor keys. Press <ENTER> to select
the desired item or press the key that corresponds to the
highlighted letter to select any of the other items in the submenu.
Some of the items can be selected by pressing a function key (if

Once a submenu is pulled down from the main menu bar, you can move between the submenus by using the "LEFT ARROW" and "RIGHT ARROW"cursor keys, displaying all of the submenu items. Pressing the
<ESC> returns to the main menu bar.


Once a submenu item that requires data entry has been selected, a
data window will appear with the data fields in the top section of
the window, and a number of functions enclosed in brackets in the
lower portion of the window. Pressing <ENTER> will execute the
highlighted function. Use the <TAB> key to move between functions
or to return to the data fields. Entering data is done by direct
entry on the computer keyboard (in the case of frequencies) or by
selecting predetermined values using the indicated keys (+/- keys,
space bar, etc.) Move between the fields with the cursor keys ("UP

Do not press <ENTER> after inputting data; pressing <ENTER> will
execute the highlighted command in the lower portion of the window.

If an error occurs in data entry, an error window appears with a
message and a number of functions enclosed in brackets. Select the
appropriate function with the <TAB> key and press <ENTER>. When all
of the data has been correctly entered, select <OK> and press
<ENTER> to return to the Main Menu.


If you have a mouse installed, all of the menu items can be
selected by pointing to the item with the mouse "cursor" and
clicking the left button. The only time you need to use the
keyboard is for entering channel data.


To obtain a hardcopy printout of these instructions, at the DOS
prompt enter:




Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2023
Michigan, USA
I THINK I've got the right one. It uses a DOS type with mouse support. VHF or UHF. You'll need a slower/OLD operating system.
GX1508 PPS. You MIGHT be able to adapt a VPL-1 or CT-42 instead of finding an actual PPS and cable.

This is the Read Me -

To run this programming package, you need the following hardware and software:
* an IBM PC, XT, AT or 100% compatible computer
* at least the minimum amount of free memory (RAM) shown in Table 1
* a 5.25-inch double-sided floppy disk drive
* MS-DOS version 3.0 or higher
---------------------------- CAUTION -----------------------------

It is important to back up this diskette before using it for programming purposes. Do not use the master diskette
to run the program. Keep the master diskette in a safe place. Installing DOS on it is not recommended. Master
diskettes should be kept in their original state in the event that copies become damaged. Refer to a DOS manual
for instructions on backing up a diskette.
To check the amount of free memory, insert the diskette into the disk drive and at the DOS prompt type:
MEMORY <ENTER> Compare the amount of free memory shown on the display with the
amount from Table 1 for the model you wish to program. In order to run this programming package, you must have at least the amount of
free memory (RAM) specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Minimum Free Memory (RAM) Requirements
HX240 ..................... 202 Kbytes
HX340 ..................... 116 Kbytes
HX440 ..................... 434 Kbytes
HX530 ...................... 97 Kbytes
GX1500 .................... 324 Kbytes
GX2000 .................... 124 Kbytes
GX3200 .................... 449 Kbytes

To start the program, at the DOS prompt type in "PPS" followed by
the numeral-portion only of the model number:
A: PPS(model number) <ENTER> (for floppy drive), or
C: PPS(model number) <ENTER> (for hard drive)
Example: To load the program for programming the GX1500 from the A:
drive, enter:
A: PPS1500 <ENTER>
The program will load and display the Menu Bar across the top of
the screen. A menu window in the center of the screen will display
the version number and ask if you are using a color or monochrome
display. Select the correct response with the <TAB> key and then
press the <ENTER> key or the space bar.
All of the programming functions are grouped into submenus. To
access the submenus, press the <ALT> key; the first submenu will be selected and one letter of each of the other submenus will be
highlighted. The other submenus can be selected with the "UP ARROW" and "DOWN ARROW" cursor keys. Press <ENTER> to select the
highlighted submenu or press the key corresponding to the
highlighted letter to select any of the other submenus.
When a submenu is selected, a pull-down menu will appear with all
of the submenu items displayed. Again, the first item will be
highlighted and each of the other items will have a highlighted
letter. The other items in the submenu can be selected with the
"UP ARROW" and "DOWN ARROW" cursor keys. Press <ENTER> to select
the desired item or press the key that corresponds to the
highlighted letter to select any of the other items in the submenu.
Some of the items can be selected by pressing a function key (if

Once a submenu is pulled down from the main menu bar, you can move between the submenus by using the "LEFT ARROW" and "RIGHT ARROW"cursor keys, displaying all of the submenu items. Pressing the
<ESC> returns to the main menu bar.


Once a submenu item that requires data entry has been selected, a
data window will appear with the data fields in the top section of
the window, and a number of functions enclosed in brackets in the
lower portion of the window. Pressing <ENTER> will execute the
highlighted function. Use the <TAB> key to move between functions
or to return to the data fields. Entering data is done by direct
entry on the computer keyboard (in the case of frequencies) or by
selecting predetermined values using the indicated keys (+/- keys,
space bar, etc.) Move between the fields with the cursor keys ("UP

Do not press <ENTER> after inputting data; pressing <ENTER> will
execute the highlighted command in the lower portion of the window.

If an error occurs in data entry, an error window appears with a
message and a number of functions enclosed in brackets. Select the
appropriate function with the <TAB> key and press <ENTER>. When all
of the data has been correctly entered, select <OK> and press
<ENTER> to return to the Main Menu.


If you have a mouse installed, all of the menu items can be
selected by pointing to the item with the mouse "cursor" and
clicking the left button. The only time you need to use the
keyboard is for entering channel data.


To obtain a hardcopy printout of these instructions, at the DOS
prompt enter:


View attachment 159731
Thank you so much! This is the exact kind of info I was looking for. I have a computer dual booting DOS and Windows 2000, if that’s not old enough I can figure something out.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2023
Michigan, USA
I'm guessing that would work. It's all about the program talking to the serial port.
Unfortunately the guy who was going to bring me those radios decided to get rid of them and bring me different radios instead. But thank you for your help, and I guess I now have the knowledge if I or someone I know needs to program those in the future.


Aug 15, 2024
Just got 2 uhf model from ebay and looking to program them do you have a file you could attach?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2023
Michigan, USA
Just got 2 uhf model from ebay and looking to program them do you have a file you could attach?
Sharing software on the forums is against RR rules. I just moved to an apartment and my business stuff is kind of all over the place. I’ll see if I can hunt it down. Send me a direct message and I can probably help you out :)


Aug 15, 2024
Awesome thanks. No problem purchasing a licensed copy but I have hunted everywhere and it seems to be obsolete. Have found a cable/driver though:) the radios are gx1500u(aa)