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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Baofeng Programming Baofeng F8HP

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Jan 29, 2008
San Francisco, California bay area
Using the BTECH PC03 FTDI Cable Dual Pin for BAOFENG UV-5R. (comes up as error).
Also can the above cable be used on the BA0FENG F8HP?

What do you mean by read the radio and pull the code plug? Is this the firmware on the radio?

The BAOFENG F8HP has 8 watts to the 4 watts (twice the power over the UV-5R on the high setting) The antenna that comes with the F8HP is different than the antenna on the UV-5R. Does this also mean that the longer 771 antenna that is used as a better antenna upgrade on the UV-5R cannot be used on the F8HP? I do believe they sell the 771 as an optional antenna for the F8HP but as previously mentioned the radio is 8 watts vs. 4 watts on the UV-5R.:unsure:


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
The cable with 2.5 mm/3.5 mm dual stereo plugs should work on any Baofeng model that has the same connection.

What software are you using? What operating system? What exact errors are you getting?

Check out F8HP 8W - Miklor and UV5R, UV6R, GT3 Info - Miklor for programming information and problems.

A code plug is a file that contains the channel programming and other radio settings.
On Baofeng radios it is a partial memory image from the radio that does not contain firmware or calibration/alignment data.

If an antenna has the same connector and covers the same frequency range then you can use it on any radio with the same type connector and same frequency range. The deaers that sell Baofeng radios don't always provide the same antenna.

Baofeng radios are low quality, poorly designed and perform poorly.
If you use a better antenna than what shipped with the radio and use the radio in an RF saturated area like SF or most other large metro areas then you could experience receiver overload or desense and wonder why you can't hear anything.
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Premium Subscriber
May 18, 2008
Santa Ynez, CA
The difference between 4 watts and 8 watts is 3dB. This equates to 1/2 S unit. My F8HP manages about 7 watts on 2 meters and 5 watts on 440. The antennas that come with Baofengs are junk. If you want a reasonable antenna get a Diamond SRJ77CA.

I bought a F8HP to see what it was like because some new hams were buying them and needed help with the programming.

I use Chirp to program the radio. Make sure you are using the most recent version, that you selected the correct radio, and that the software is using the correct USB port. Also, remove the antenna, make sure the plug is firmly seated in the radio and that the volume control is turned up all the way.

Baofengs are often classified as beginner or starter radios. This is false. They are harder to program than most HT's, have limited performance and build quality. This is a bad combination for a new ham. Better to spend more dollars and get a real radio.

They make poor scanners as well.


Jan 29, 2008
San Francisco, California bay area
The difference between 4 watts and 8 watts is 3dB. This equates to 1/2 S unit. My F8HP manages about 7 watts on 2 meters and 5 watts on 440. The antennas that come with Baofengs are junk. If you want a reasonable antenna get a Diamond SRJ77CA.

I bought a F8HP to see what it was like because some new hams were buying them and needed help with the programming.

I use Chirp to program the radio. Make sure you are using the most recent version, that you selected the correct radio, and that the software is using the correct USB port. Also, remove the antenna, make sure the plug is firmly seated in the radio and that the volume control is turned up all the way.

Baofengs are often classified as beginner or starter radios. This is false. They are harder to program than most HT's, have limited performance and build quality. This is a bad combination for a new ham. Better to spend more dollars and get a real radio.

They make poor scanners as well.

The Nagota 771 antenna is an improvement on both F8HP and UV-5R radios.
Yes I agree these radios are alot harder to program.
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