Programming LCN's for San Antonio's system

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Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
Was kinda curious on this. Because an ProVoice system can't tracked properly by the new trunk-tracking scanners, ie.... Pro-92, 94,95, 96's etc....

Would it matter if you programmed all the sites by their proper LCN's? San Antonio has about 5-6 different sites (downtown, Topperwein, etc) for their Pro-Voice system, so could you just program all 20, 30, 40, or so frequencies into one bank, and just pick up whatever analog signals came along? Has anybody tried, and if so what do they think?


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2003
Houston, Texas
From what i understand (which is very little about EDACs systems) is that if ESK is turned on, digital can be turned on or off, you can't track the system, but you can go through all freqs conventionally and monitor analog that way (this goes with any system (LTR, MOT, EDACs)). If ESK is turned off, the digital can still be turned on and you can track the system and log TGs and track the analog TGs. Or ESK and digital can both be turned off (which i'm sure would make scanists in San Antonio happy :D ) and you can track it like a regular EDACs system.


Founder and CEO
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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
ESK is currently off on the system, and hasn't been on for the past few months.

Right now, your best bet is to program the GOLD site (Site #2) into your scanners, and you will be able to monitor the following analog conversations:

1. SAT Airport alerts on TG 825, and the Airport PD dispatcher on 818
2. BCSO Open Channels.
3. Most Public Works and Parks operations
4. BCSO Fleetwide Broadcasts
5. Interagency talkgroups (rarely used)

We could use the help identifying many of the public works talkgroups, so so ahead and program Site #2 in and start ID'ing what you are hear, and submit your changes to the database.


Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
I have monitored all listenable analog traffic on the Gold site. Have never heard anything on the Blue site. Have even manually walked thru every frequency in the Blue site, had haven't even heard digital type noise on that site. Does it even have any TG's active? How about the Topperwein, and outlying sites, do they have anything operating on them?

I was actually more intrested in my original question. If it hasn't been done, then I will program my scanner to do it, and report my findings. If it has been done, I'd be intrested in somebody's findings. Just kinda an S**ts & Giggles thing.


Founder and CEO
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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
I'm not sure why you would want to enter all the frequencies in manual non-trunked mode. What is the point? I'm not sure what you are going to find by programming all the system frequencies into one bank, other than fustration!

The blue site hosts ALL SAPD operations, however all SAPD is digital. The only analog operations on the Blue site is SA Park PD.. thats it.

Man, haven't we rehashed this a 1000 times?? :shock: :D :D :D


Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
Okay, I understand the logic behind the Blue, Gold, and other sites, and what is available by analog, and who is digital etc...

I missed out the "hashings" the first couple hundred of times :lol: :wink:

I was wondering if there was any value to programming all the frequencies in on one bank, because the system is set up so the scanner doesn't track an EDACS system correctly anyway. It would be intresting to see how the system reacts as far as producing analog TG's to listen to?
Will it is miss transmissions? Would maybe it track better? Would you only catch blurbs here and there? It is already frustrating enough to listen becuase it doesn't lock onto an control channel, so what you pick up is spotty anyway? Was exploring an idea is all..

You know the old adage, about curiosity and the cat....

Appreciate the re-affirmation, though.


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
precoislen said:
I was wondering if there was any value to programming all the frequencies in on one bank

ZERO Value. Zilch. Nada.

because the system is set up so the scanner doesn't track an EDACS system correctly anyway. It would be intresting to see how the system reacts as far as producing analog TG's to listen to?
Only if ESK is enabled. It is currently disabled, which means the system functions just like any other EDACS system. Your scanner will monitor the analog talkgroups just fine on any of the sites if you program the proper LCNs in like you program any EDACS system.

Go read the sticky that I just posted in this forum...
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