mtindor said:On the PSR-500, using the PC/IF cable instead of tapping the scanner, Unitrunker supports Mot 3600. It will support LTR/EDACS as soon as GRE issues a firmware update that includes the fix for some problems with their EDACS/LTR output. I am unsure if Unitrunker supports 9600 P25 at this time or not.
As already mentioned by others who know more about it, Pro96Com handles 9600 P25 via the PC/IF cable.
So, between the two programs you have all of the options covered (or will once GRE releases updated firmware that has the fix in it).
I am not that familiar with Unitrunker but I can't seem to get it work with my PSR500 and a Moto3600 system. I don't get any data displayed. Th eonly setting I see in the setup is for sound card type inputs. What should it be set to to use the USB SPR cable?