A couple of answers (as best I have done)
So far, I have not changed the screen contrast and I have had no issues with seeing it clearly. I haven't really had it out in the bright sun, YET, so I can't say how well it will appear. Hopefully later today.
Now for the blue light (in the GRE thread, sorry). The photo I posted does not really do the display justice. First, to get the lighting to show up, I didn't use a flash. Second, the scanners were sitting on my EZ-Boy with a black blanket for the background. I was HOLDING the camera on the chair as well. So the image is a bit blurry for the following reasons.
1. My hand movement.
2. The 396 and 96 had truned slightly (the display on the 96 is also slightly blurred).
3. I had to reduce the size of the photo from something like a 3000X2300 to 800X600 to fit in the forum.
4. Photography is my hobby. I am no PRO.
I tried to get another shot of the blue display, but with out getting the BIG camera and tripod out it was again blurry due to movement.
I've had no problem seeing either.
I will again reiterate a point I made earlier. The LED is very bright when in the car at night. I was able to find the house key with it. I think I'll stick it in the car tonight and stand outside to see how bright it really is.