WayneThomas said:
I received a PSR-500 for Christmas, but I am having a very difficult time in programming it.
After25 years in the hobby I thought I could program any scanner but not this one. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can program this good looking scanner with great prospects? I want to program it with my computer but just can't figure it out.
Hi Wayne,
I would recommend that you read all the topics on here related to what other people have done with the PSR-500. I would also recommend that you check out the Wiki information on the PSR-500 -
You'll see in the Wiki that there are various software packages available (for very reasonable prices, most if not all have 30+ day trial periods before you have to pay). I personally use Win500 and occasionally PSREdit. I love them both and paid for Win500 and am about to pay for pSREdit.
These applications will help you immensely in programming your scanner as well as understanding the radio better, in my opinion.
I've had the radio for about a month now I think, and even though I love it, it's still a lot learn. I feel your pain/frustration. But hang in there and check out some of the applications like PSREdit and Win500 and ARC500 (the links are near the bottom of the page in the Wiki reference URL that i posted above).
Trust me, you'll feel completely different about programming the scanner once you get one of those.
Keep in mind a few things.
- you scan items in the scanlists that you enable
- you put things like TGRP objects (talk groups) and CONV objects (conventional frequencies) in scanlists
If you are creating a trunked system, you create the TSYS object. Then you create one or more TGRP objects (talk groups) and in the TGRP configuration you associate that talk group with a TSYS object (the trunked system you created) and a scanlist. Then you enable the scanlist and it will scan all non-locked out objects in teh scanlist. When it scans the TGRP objects it automatically checks the trunked system that is associated with those TGRP objects.