I own a UHF HT1000 and like it so much I've decided to get a VHF model for 2meter. But, I spotted a few MT2000 radios on eBay, 48 channels would be nice but I haven't been able to find a user manual so I have a few questions:
I understand it uses three banks of sixteen channels, how do you switch between these banks?
Is the options for the ABC switch the same? Or is that used to select channel banks on the MT2000?
The one I'm looking at has the display between the ABC switch and the emergency button, what can/does it display? channel number, frequency or can you name the channels?
Thanks in advance,
I understand it uses three banks of sixteen channels, how do you switch between these banks?
Is the options for the ABC switch the same? Or is that used to select channel banks on the MT2000?
The one I'm looking at has the display between the ABC switch and the emergency button, what can/does it display? channel number, frequency or can you name the channels?
Thanks in advance,