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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Quantar SCM and WL Card dependencies

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May 17, 2020
Twain Harte, CA.
Hi all, A Newbie to Quantar's at this end. I'm trying to get my SCM to talk properly to the 8WL card I have, and for the life of me, cant get the 50pin Aphenol connector to accept a PTT ground signal from a URIx AllStar node. This points me to the model numbers of the Quantar cards I have, and they may not be able to talk to each other due to dependencies in manufacture dates.
For the record, I have:
SCM Module: CLN6961D
8WL Module: CLN6883B

Q: Are these compatible?

When I power up my recently acquired this UHF Quantar, it does it's normal blinking lights, and the Exciter comes up with TX Lock which is green (good)
The SCM Module downloads some firmware code ( I guess) to the 8WL card, but then it's Station On light is solid green, but it also has the AUX LED blinking Green at me, and the WL card itself, alternates between the Red and Green led's on that card every few seconds.
This is telling me that something is not kosher with this setup.
I have looked and looked for these module number on the 8WL card at various sites, but come up blank.

I do believe my SCM Module is a EPIC II card, requiring a EPIC II WL Card, but finding this 'CLN6883B" information turns up a dead-end.
Just trying to get my AllStar node to key the Quantar and pass audio and COS and the like for basic repeater operation. Haven't even gone down the P25 route yet, which requires a V.24 board, but that's for another day.

Thanks in advance for any clues you may be able to pass on.

BTW: This is actual a 'QuanTro' with the external 225Watt UHF PA, but that shouldn't be any relevance, that I know of, to the basic SCM to 8WL card compatibility issue. Why 8WL card you ask? Will that gives me the 'enhanced' option in the Wireline Configuration which I need for this AllStar connectivity.



May 17, 2020
Twain Harte, CA.
Yes, but this p/n: CLN6883B is no-where to be found.
From what I've been able to tell now, the PROM's on the 8WL card are 1-time prom's, and they have since were changed to EEPROM's with a p/n ATMEL AT29C010-15PI rather than what I have now as a AT27C010-15PI, so when the SCM card tries to download to the WL card, it can't. Thus my failure.
Now to go hunt for a WL card that has AT29C010 EEPROM's on the board. …. The hunt continues.....
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