Since others may be interested in this topic, I'll answer my own question that I originally posted since I have now purchased and am using a G5. My top concern was VHF reception without the ability to attach an external antenna. I should not have been worried. The G5 VHF reception (even though it only has an internal VHF antenna) is a good deal better than my Grecom PSR-500 with an external antenna attached to my car's trunk. I now receive clear communications from agencies 20+ miles away day and night on VHF. So if you are like me and are worried about the internal VHF antenna. Don't worry, it's more than likely better than the external antenna you have now.
That's the positive. The negative is the Bluetooth capability. I drive a car with SYNC MyTouch and it gives a 6-digit PIN in order to pair a BT device. The G5 only allows 4 digits. There are some work-arounds for some version of SYNC, but I have yet to find one for mine. If anybody has the MyTouch version of SYNC and has gotten their G5 to pair, please share!
Finally, regarding the G2 pictured in a post above by Uni1. I was contacted by Uni1 and he said that the G2 is not currently available for US market. The price, if available, would be the same as the G4. I decided to take my chances with the G5, which gives me 700-800 for a few buck more than the G2 would have been if available. And most importantly, I didn't want to wait for the G2. So far, I'm very pleased with my decision. Just wish I could get that Bluetooth to pair with my car! The sound is nice in the speaker, but I really like having it come through my car's speakers. I hope this post helps somebody.