Sentinel: Question on creating a favorite list on sentinel with colorado DTRS sites


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
Hello all,

I am new to the digital scanner world. I just purchased the Uniden Sds100 and downloaded the sentinel software. On another thread I posted I was advised it's easier to program using this sentinel program. So, my question is this. When I go to add my local county/city channels, it seems it automatically adds ALL the sites in colorado on the State of Colorado DTRS system as well, when I make a favorites list, and add my county and the channels contained. Do I keep the "Sites" list as is, with what appears to be all sites in colorado on the system and just continue building my favorite list? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
Hi Dave 3825,

Thank you for your response. I just want to make sure I'm on the right idea with you. So, I chose my county in colorado who is on the Colorado DTRS state system. When I add the county sheriff's channel to the favorites list, it adds the channel, but also loads all what are showing as sites as well through the whole state. I assume maybe that's because it's a state system, and if a particular radio was being used a long distance away by law enforcement it would use that "site" or tower closest even though it's on my county sherrifs channel, perhaps? Just seems odd that it automatically loads every state "site" with their frequencies when I just try to add my county Channel. So if I understand, leaving all the sites on the favorite list is no big deal, they are just there even though I'm really using one or two sites, depending on the departments location? Sorry to be a pest just trying to figure out why it automatically loaded the state of colorado DTRS "sites" when I only added my county's 1 channel?


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
All the information in the Radio Reference database is geocoded.
Learn about location control and how to tell the radio where it is.
It will then just scan the sites withing range (if you set things correctly).

Easier to Read SDS100/200 Digital Scanner Manual

Better yet, get a GPS module and automate all of this.

Hi Nessnet,

I'm Sorry as I'm new to a digital scanner, and am just starting to understand them. I appreciate your advice, and will research it. I guess the confusion i am trying to clarify i wasn't really clear about properly or I'm not completely understanding. maybe you can help me understand if I explain it in a different way? So when i create a favorites list in Sentinel, i went to my state, county, and then added the entire county to my favorites list. When i went to my favorites list to confirm i added not only the favorites list, but the county, it shows i did in fact add my county. However, the concern i am trying to figure out is that it also shows it added every "site" which i assume is the Towers that hold the frequencies those towers operate on. I do know of the towers locations, at least the 2 closest, which i would assume my county preferences would operate on. So, My biggest obstacle is simply this, being that the state of Colorado is operating on the " State of Colorado DTRS system", should i simply leave all the state of Colorado sites alone and on the favorites list, or can i determine sites away from me that i can delete from my favorites list or "Avoid"? or are all the sites important on this system and should be left alone and on the favorites list? This is literally the 1 confusing issue I'm trying to figure out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
being that the state of Colorado is operating on the " State of Colorado DTRS system", should i simply leave all the state of Colorado sites alone and on the favorites list, or can i determine sites away from me that i can delete from my favorites list or "Avoid"?

Stated in post two that you could set the ones of no interest, meaning not near you, you can set them to avoid.

Or like mentioned, all sites have gps info loaded in with them so you could just leave them all alone, set location control to on for that favorites list. Then go into your range settings on the scanner and change it from 50 to zero or even one. Then it will only scan the sites within that range. You would have to enter your zip code into the scanner so it knows where to base the range from. When asked about full database, select No. it will only .scan your favorites list


Premium Subscriber
Jan 22, 2007
Eastside of Lake WA
Hi Nessnet,

I'm Sorry as I'm new to a digital scanner, and am just starting to understand them. I appreciate your advice, and will research it. I guess the confusion i am trying to clarify i wasn't really clear about properly or I'm not completely understanding. maybe you can help me understand if I explain it in a different way? So when i create a favorites list in Sentinel, i went to my state, county, and then added the entire county to my favorites list. When i went to my favorites list to confirm i added not only the favorites list, but the county, it shows i did in fact add my county. However, the concern i am trying to figure out is that it also shows it added every "site" which i assume is the Towers that hold the frequencies those towers operate on. I do know of the towers locations, at least the 2 closest, which i would assume my county preferences would operate on. So, My biggest obstacle is simply this, being that the state of Colorado is operating on the " State of Colorado DTRS system", should i simply leave all the state of Colorado sites alone and on the favorites list, or can i determine sites away from me that i can delete from my favorites list or "Avoid"? or are all the sites important on this system and should be left alone and on the favorites list? This is literally the 1 confusing issue I'm trying to figure out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

OK, let's have a go at this...

How trunkgroups, departments, systems, work?

We need to start there.
Trunking Basics - The RadioReference Wiki
How does trunking work? | Tait Radio Academy

What you are asking about is sites - on a statewide system.
It's hierarchical.
Sites belong to systems, however big they are.
Load any department in the hierarchy, and you get all the sites in that system.
It's just how it works.

The idea is to only scan the sites that are within range.
Remember, your radio scans SITES and the more sites you scan, the less you will hear (miss stuff).
Luckily, the database has all the sites GPS located, so your radio knows where they all are.
That is called location control.
Easier to Read SDS100/200 Digital Scanner Manual
You turn it on/off in each favorite list.

So, the next question.
Stationary - or mobile?

Stationary - I'd manually enter the lat/long and set your range appropriately.
Easier to Read SDS100/200 Digital Scanner Manual

If mobile, this is another level.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
My two cents is similar to the above: Use Sentinel to create a Favorites List for the whole statewide system. Then, in the Favorites List Editor set Location Control to On. Assuming you have set your location correctly, the scanner will sort things out, such as which Site or Sites to turn on (or off) as well as which Departments to turn on/off.

I would discourage deleting/avoiding Departments or Sites. A lot of statewide systems have Mutual Aid, Interoperability, etc., talkgroups in their own Departments. Sometimes the most "juiciest" stuff can be heard on those talkgroups. Also, unless you are intimately familiar with the ins and outs of the system, you can inadvertently delete/avoid a site that is critical.

So, for now at least, program everything, use Location Control which is the way the scanner was designed to work for someone new to scanning. Later on you can make adjustments once you see how things go.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
My two cents is similar to the above: Use Sentinel to create a Favorites List for the whole statewide system. Then, in the Favorites List Editor set Location Control to On. Assuming you have set your location correctly, the scanner will sort things out, such as which Site or Sites to turn on (or off) as well as which Departments to turn on/off.

I would discourage deleting/avoiding Departments or Sites. A lot of statewide systems have Mutual Aid, Interoperability, etc., talkgroups in their own Departments. Sometimes the most "juiciest" stuff can be heard on those talkgroups. Also, unless you are intimately familiar with the ins and outs of the system, you can inadvertently delete/avoid a site that is critical.

So, for now at least, program everything, use Location Control which is the way the scanner was designed to work for someone new to scanning. Later on you can make adjustments once you see how things go.

Hello ofd8001,

Thanks For the reply! So i just want to verify i understand what you are saying. If i understand you correctly, I should make a favorite list and just add the whole State of Colorado DTRS to the favorites List? Meaning add everything within the State System? that seems like a whole lot if that is what you're saying, but again, I'm new to this. Also, The scanner i purchased has a zip code function to enter in the zip code and it should find anything near and broadcast it, of i understand that correctly. Is this or would this perform the same functionality as "Location Control" being enabled on a favorites list? i just feel like their may be some channels i will miss out on if i use the zip code function, hence why im trying to figure out how to create my own list. Thank you for any help on this!


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
The scanner i purchased has a zip code function to enter in the zip code and it should find anything near and broadcast it, of i understand that correctly. Is this or would this perform the same functionality as "Location Control" being enabled on a favorites list? i just feel like their may be some channels i will miss out on if i use the zip code function, hence why im trying to figure out how to create my own list.
Basically, yes.

When you punch in a zip, your telling the scanner where exactly you are located and based on the range you set, it will scan what's in the full database.

When you set a favorites list to location control, your telling the scanner to use your location, and scan what's in your favorites list based on the zip code and range you set. If it's a brand new scanner, you would need to enter your zip either in the scanner or the Sentinel Profile editor.

You can set your fav list to location control, and then type in a zip. You will be prompted about full database. If you want that, you hit yes. If not, and want to scan only your favorites list, tell it NO. I will set that zipcode as your location and scan your favorites list as long as its enabled to scan. Since its a statewide system and some departments and sites will not be near you, you will have to go in and play with your range setting. Start low like 0. If you feel your not hearing much, bump it up to 2 miles. Etc.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
All the information in the Radio Reference database is geocoded.
Learn about location control and how to tell the radio where it is.
It will then just scan the sites withing range (if you set things correctly).

Easier to Read SDS100/200 Digital Scanner Manual

Better yet, get a GPS module and automate all of this.

You said "Better yet, get a GPS module and automate all of this."

Can I purchase a GPS Module that is usable in a home, rather than in a vehicle and automate it to just pick up on transmissions and channels in my GPS area and make it easier and automated?

Would these be acceptable to use GPS in a home with the uniden sds100?



Premium Subscriber
Jan 22, 2007
Eastside of Lake WA

You said "Better yet, get a GPS module and automate all of this."

Can I purchase a GPS Module that is usable in a home, rather than in a vehicle and automate it to just pick up on transmissions and channels in my GPS area and make it easier and automated?

Would these be acceptable to use GPS in a home with the uniden sds100?

Yes, the 2 links I posted earlier are the correct items - (BR-355N and BC-UTGC).
Mobile or home - makes no difference, same rig.

However, if stationary, the GPS is just doing the exact same thing as you going in and manually entering the lat/long.
No advantage to using GPS stationary, until you go on the road, then the GPS functionality is the best feature of these Uniden scanners.

With proper programming, these radios can automatically switch systems/departments/sites right when you cross a state line/county border/city limits. Only listen to the stuff going on where you are at.

BTW, using zip code: it is just the approx. geographic center (lat/long) of the entered zip code, so technically entering your location manually (or using the GPS module) would be the more precise location.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
If you are not moving around, no need for a gps unit. They only help if your location changes.

I concur with previous replies. While your favorites list may be large, the scanner turns off the “stuff” too far away to hear when using location control.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
Yes, the 2 links I posted earlier are the correct items - (BR-355N and BC-UTGC).
Mobile or home - makes no difference, same rig.

However, if stationary, the GPS is just doing the exact same thing as you going in and manually entering the lat/long.
No advantage to using GPS stationary, until you go on the road, then the GPS functionality is the best feature of these Uniden scanners.

With proper programming, these radios can automatically switch systems/departments/sites right when you cross a state line/county border/city limits. Only listen to the stuff going on where you are at.

BTW, using zip code: it is just the approx. geographic center (lat/long) of the entered zip code, so technically entering your location manually (or using the GPS module) would be the more precise location.
Thanks for that information, that helps understand that much better when GPS is involved.

So, essentially I could go forward with the departments I chose on my "favorites" list, and although when I added my departments and it loaded all the colorado "sites" I could just leave all those sites there. By turning on "location control" ON in that favorites list will help eliminate those sites that are out of range/not of use, for the departments that are in my area I have chose to follow on my list? Does that sounds like I understand that correctly? If yes, I just have to figure out where the location control setting is to enable and how that works.

Your information, although I have a hard time understanding it fully, is very much appreciated!


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL

This is a "how to" video on how to self-program. If you know what you want to listen to, know where you're at in reference to using the database and sites (scroll down under the county tab), and have the patience to learn how to program it yourself, this is a good starting point. I've been successfully using this method for many years, never have to wait for "weekly database updates" if new talk groups or frequency site changes and any "new" systems that don't have talk groups added won't download, you can do it yourself. All done through Sentinel, learn the programming structure, and once you feel comfortable, then maybe use the paid programming services.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
The set Location Control is found usin sentinel to edit the system. It’s in the options tab if I remember correctly. Right side of screen.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
If you are not moving around, no need for a gps unit. They only help if your location changes.

I concur with previous replies. While your favorites list may be large, the scanner turns off the “stuff” too far away to hear when using location control.
Thanks for your helpful input on that, as well!

I would like to ask your opinion as I did to the other person, to see if I understand correctly.

So, essentially I could go forward with the departments/agencies/countys I chose on my "favorites" list, and although when I added those departments/agencies, and it loaded all the colorado DTRS "sites" automatically, as i understand thats how sentinel does it, I could just leave all those "sites" there on my list. By turning on "location control" ON in that favorites list will help eliminate those sites that are out of range/not of use, for the departments that are in my area I have chose to follow on my list? Does that sounds like I understand that correctly? If yes, I just have to figure out where the location control setting is to enable and how that works.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Grand Junction, CO
Thanks for your helpful input on that, as well!

I would like to ask your opinion as I did to the other person, to see if I understand correctly.

So, essentially I could go forward with the departments/agencies/countys I chose on my "favorites" list, and although when I added those departments/agencies, and it loaded all the colorado DTRS "sites" automatically, as i understand thats how sentinel does it, I could just leave all those "sites" there on my list. By turning on "location control" ON in that favorites list will help eliminate those sites that are out of range/not of use, for the departments that are in my area I have chose to follow on my list? Does that sounds like I understand that correctly? If yes, I just have to figure out where the location control setting is to enable and how that works.
Not trying to confuse the issue, but since I have a sds200 and live in Colorado and monitor CO DTRS maybe I can help:

When I first setup my radio, I set it up for zip code scanning with a 10 mile range. I turned on the police, ems and fire service types and started scanning.

I waited a bit, permanently avoided a few things and after I was satisfied I then I went into the menu Manage Favorites, quick save favorites list, and confirmed. Then renamed it Home Normal and set that under Lists to Monitor as the only list to monitor on startup.


With location control on (zip code or GPS) while the favorite may have the over 100 DTRS sites in it, it only scans the sites who's range (of the site) overlaps that 10 mile radius I set.

I then attached the GPS puck and used go's location rather than zip.

For me, that works fine.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
Not trying to confuse the issue, but since I have a sds200 and live in Colorado and monitor CO DTRS maybe I can help:

When I first setup my radio, I set it up for zip code scanning with a 10 mile range. I turned on the police, ems and fire service types and started scanning.

I waited a bit, permanently avoided a few things and after I was satisfied I then I went into the menu Manage Favorites, quick save favorites list, and confirmed. Then renamed it Home Normal and set that under Lists to Monitor as the only list to monitor on startup.


With location control on (zip code or GPS) while the favorite may have the over 100 DTRS sites in it, it only scans the sites who's range (of the site) overlaps that 10 mile radius I set.

I then attached the GPS puck and used go's location rather than zip.

For me, that works fine.
Hi, Thanks for the input on this. Yes, someone from colorado who is monitoring the same DTRS state system is definitely most helpful, so thank you.

I'm sorry as I'm new to this, like 2 days new, but I just want to clarify 2 things and see if I'm correct.

So, basically you're saying I can use the zip code feature, and then avoid channels that come up that I don't want. Until basically I have fine tuned the channels in that zip code and range that is dialed in, and could also save it as a favorites list at the end of the "fine tuning"?

Last, if I just leave all the sites that automatically load onto the favorites list for coloradoDTRS, it will only use the sites that are really used and valid in the range, once I chose "location control" for my favorites list?

Does that sound like I understand correctly on those? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009

This is a "how to" video on how to self-program. If you know what you want to listen to, know where you're at in reference to using the database and sites (scroll down under the county tab), and have the patience to learn how to program it yourself, this is a good starting point. I've been successfully using this method for many years, never have to wait for "weekly database updates" if new talk groups or frequency site changes and any "new" systems that don't have talk groups added won't download, you can do it yourself. All done through Sentinel, learn the programming structure, and once you feel comfortable, then maybe use the paid programming services.
Thanks for the helpful video and advice!

Unfortunately, I can't just go under my county tab and add channels. My county and most others use the statewide state of colorado dtrs system. I get the gist of adding the county/departments, but when you create a favorits list and add your first department, it also loads ALL sites in colorado. And this is where I'm trying to figure out what to do about it, if anything at all.