QuickCall Fire Tones for Wake County Fire (Seeking Holly Springs and Garner specifically)

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Dec 26, 2007
Eastern, NC
This area has become so busy that volunteers have been phased out. My son and I are going to attempt to join Fairview in about a year when he is old enough to be a junior. I was a Vol FF for 13 years and EMT for 25 years in NY. I'm at the point where I don't care to hear sirens anymore, but at 47 years old I'm going to join back up as a volunteer since my son wants to become a career FF. They have "in-town" and "out of town" volunteers.
Awesome man. I joined in 10 to a local dept to do something different.


NY --> NC
Premium Subscriber
Aug 25, 2009
Raleigh, NC
@Neo62381 I don't know if I ever PM'd you on this.... so I just did in case we didn't talk about this. I'm having great luck in the HS area with a Minitor V, a Unication G5, and the 536 and SDS200.

@OnYourSix - I am in HS Sir! I can't really decide what I want to do yet... I just know that the audio quality on my 436 seems very suboptimal, and I feel like I'm missing many transmissions.. Wondering if I got one from a bad batch or something... dunno. For paging I was thinking about either the V or the VI, but I may go with the V just to save the cash. For the radio part of it, I thought about trying to find a XTS and try to read up enough to program it... or, possibly getting a Unication G5. Not sure which route I want to take. Any personal experience?
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