Well I can't see the video because apparently it uses a CODEC that is too new for me.
I would check
1) Power supply voltage and ripple. The power supply should produce 13.5 VDC or so with the radio on. If you pull the red jumper in the back, the supply will rise to 18 or 19 VDC by design. Don't do this and then slam the jumper back in or you will blow the meter lamp and possible more.
2) If the S meter is at some arbitrary value, it could be the S meter squelch. When you turn the squelch above a certain level it shifts to a mode where it squelches all below that S meter value. A very normal action. If the squelch is fully CCW, then you m ight have a squelch or AGC fault.
3) The R71A has a memory battery on a plug in RAM board. It is a rectangular board. The soldered in lithium battery contains the radio firmware. Unless you have some odd stuff in the VFO display or memory, it is probably OK. It has a BR2032 battery which is special lithium concoction and still available from Digikey. However changing it requires applying 5V to the memory chips. God forbid you lose 5V or short to ground while soldering.
Use a 3 X AA battery holder to apply the 5V and make sure it is floating from ground. A company called PIEXX can provide a replacement RAM board for a fairly low price. Buy a new RAM board if you must, it is a good investment unless the radio is pretty nasty.
I once bought a "defective" R71A and it turned out the owner had set the squelch, the RF gain and other controls in totally bassakward modes from normal. It worked fine and was quite impressive to the seller who I had forked over $175 in 1988 dollars for a then $450 radio. The operators manual shows all normal conditions clearly.
The R71A is a very WORTHY radio to repair.