Well got the radio, seems OK to me. CW/SSB and channel A is nothing just quite, channel B - D can hear noise. Is that normal? The AM setting and A - D all work fine. Picks up fair with the built in whip. A long wire is a must.
Yes, it is normal for the radio to not receive in Band A when in SSB/CW mode but it does receive in AM mode. For some reason the makers decided you would not need SSB/CW in that band so in that position the radio acts as if you are in “STD BY”. It might have something to do with the mixing and conversion scheme, but I have never looked at the schematic with that in mind to confirm it.
By the way, A, B, C and D are not channels, but rather bands, as they are marked above the knob. Band A covers the frequency range of 0.52 to 1.62 MHZ, B covers 1.55 to 4.50 MHz, C covers 4.50 to 13.0 MHz, and D covers 13.0 to 30 MHz.
These bands are not to be confused with designated bands in the shortwave spectrum, such as 80 meters, 41 meters, 19 meters, etc.
Channels and Bands have two different meanings in radio. In general a channel is a specific frequency, and bands are a range of frequencies.
Also, I expressed those bands in MHz (MegaHertz) because that is the way they are printed on the front of your radio. However, it is most common on shortwave to express frequencies in kHz (kiloHertz). To convert from MHz to kHz just move the decimal three places to the right, or multiply the number by 1000 if you prefer. Example, 13.0 MHz would be 13000 kHz, 4.5 MHz would be 4500 kHz, and 0.52 MHz would be 520 kHz. The reason for expressing in kHz is that last ones digit. It is important when telling another listener that you give him a frequency close enough that he can also tune to the signal, and saying 13.0 MHz leaves the ones and tens places open, and might cover a range of 13000 to 13099 kHz. You can put over 30 SSB HF signals in that 99 kHz undefined area, and you can put up to 20 AM signals in that range. Worse yet just saying 13 MHz leave the entire range from 13000 to 13999 kHz open, and there can literally be hundreds of frequencies in use in that range.
Yes, and external antenna will work better, even a modest 15 or 20 feet of wire will surpass the built in whip.