Radioshack 20-047 programming cable issues


Premium Subscriber
Jul 5, 2003
I connected this cable to my windows 11 laptop and before everyone starts insulting me. I'm looking for help with this i tried downloading the drivers and win 92 will not communicate with my pro-92 and i have a pro-106 im getting today and i am afraid this cable will not communicate with win 500 either so where is the driver to get my laptop to actually work with this cable and the programming software.
When trying to perform the readback verification after upload I get the following:
"Looking for 01 98 03 52"
"Timed out waiting for the 01 98 03 52 sequence"

When using the "verify scanner" option from WIN92 I get the following:
"Expected to read back the data we just wrote - this failed. Ensure the correct COM port is selected, a supported cable is attached to the COM port and the scanner, and the scanner is turned ON
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
I wonder where you got the cable. The real 20-047 cable is branded Radio Shack and has an orange case on one end. The plug that goes into the PC/IF port of the scanner is "stereo". There's another thread here on RR that discussed someone getting a cable marked with the same model number, but it is NOT the model it claims to be.

Once you've got the correct physical cable, and the FTDI driver for it and your O/S; you should see what COM port gets assigned to it in Device Manager. Plug in the USB end and watch it get recognized. Unplug it to make sure that the COM port being added/removed is in fact for your cable.

Once you know the COM port, each scanner model and its associated programming software has different hoops to jump through. I have all these models, and their software, so I've dealt with this before. For the PRO-92 or the PRO-106 you do NOT need the "pigtail" on the scanner end of the cable. That's often something that causes the failures you describe.

You need WIN92 to program the PRO-92. WIN500 works great for the '106. I had a situation where WIN500 could not recognize the COM port. There's another exe Win500_com.exe that will solve the issue. With Win500 it attempts to auto-locate your cable's COM port. Don must have known of some issue and created Win500_com so you can just select the COM port yourself.


Jun 12, 2012
Is the "pigtail" going from stereo to mono?
I have the original version Pro-92 and I keep getting "Timed out waiting for the 01 98 03 52 sequence" as well. I did unzip the .DLLs and put them in the same directory as win95.exe.

The same PC with the same cable plugged in reads/writes a Pro-95 (using Win95) just fine, so I know the cable is good. When I plug it in to a Pro-92, it does go from clone mode to Sending data when I select "Download from Scanner". It only switches when I initiate a Download from the Win92 software, so that proves the software is doing something over the cable. But on the receiving end (PC) the win92 software just sits there waiting for 01 98 03 52. I started questioning my Pro-92's PC IF jack but I recently obtained a PRO-2076 and win92 does the same thing when I try to read that radio. I was thinking maybe the original (pre-A and B) Pro92's sent out some other "beginning of file" string, but that can't be the problem either, because the 2067 is an "A" model. I haven't yet tried cloning directly from the Pro-92 to the Pro-2067...

So as far as I can tell, the PC, cable, and the radios are all fine. Why can I get Win95 to work with a Pro-95 but win92 will not connect to a Pro-92?

I tried using the same settings for both Win95 and Win92 (Extra Write Time unchecked, Set RTS High unchecked, and Enable "Readback" checked) but I also tried all 9 permutations of those three settings with Win92. I check the Device Manager to check the COM port of my USB-to-DB9 adapter and make sure that is set correctly in Win95 and Win92.

I've been trying to get Win-92 working for many, many months. I tried TKL92 and 92Ware but could not get them to run in Win11 (even with Vista compatibility mode). Since Win95 works great with my Pro-95, I think Win92 is my best bet for the Pro-92, but I just can't get it past the point where it looks for the string "01 98 03 52" which it never sees.


Jun 12, 2012
You have to use the adapter with the pro-92 with the pro-106 and pro-197 no adapter
What about for the Pro-95? I'm going by this: Connecting scanners via USB - The RadioReference Wiki

As KA3JJZ says above, one version of the PRO-92 used the adapter but the A and B models don't. I had tried with and without the adapter in the past, but not getting communication using the same cable in the same configuration with both the PRO-92 (pre-A/B model) and Pro-2067 'A' model proves that it's not a model discrepancy problem.


Jun 12, 2012
Thanks! I tried again with the adapter to make sure, still no dice; Win92 is stuck on "Timed out waiting for the 01 98 03 52 sequence"

The exact same setup works fine with Win95 and a pro-95.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
Ok try this.



Jun 12, 2012
Ok try this.

Thank you! I read through that thread- the issue it is addressing is FTDI drivers for the USB-to-serial converter. I do not have any issue with withe USB to Serial converter (as evidenced by the fact that the exact same setup works fine with win95 and a Pro-95).

After the USB-Serial adapter, I am using an ADMS-1D cable, which has been proven by others to work, for example, A generic radio programming cable – KC9UMR shows the cable working with multiple radios, including GRE/Radio Shack.


Jun 12, 2012
I can only speak of factory cables. That is all I have ever used for Scanners and Commercial 2way Radios.
I don't think the cable is at fault. The ADMS-1D has been proven to work with multiple radios. The setup works with Win95/Pro-95.


Jun 12, 2012
If the setup works with 95 that leaves the scanner as the problem.
Have you tried to reload the software and try again?

I thought that as well- I got as far as suspecting the following two culprits:

1) I have the 'original' model of the Pro-92. [ There are three versions of the pro-92: the original, the "A" model, and the "B" model] I bought it as soon as it became available because all my local town services switched to EDACS trunking in the late 1990s. Perhaps the original Pro-92 doesn't output this particular "start-of-file" string that Win92 is looking for.

2) Perhaps the PC I/F jack on my Pro-92 is broken

However I recently obtained a Pro-2067 (which is the mobile version of the Pro-92, programming it uses the same cable and software) which is an "A" model and that didn't work either.

The Pro-2067 being an "A" model knocks out my 1st theory, and I don't think it's likely two different scanners have bad interface jacks, especially given that I have owned the Pro-92 since it was purchased new from a Radio Shack store. That knocks out my 2nd theory, so I'm back at square one...

I tried contacting Don Starr to see if he had any ideas, but if he's still around, he doesn't seem to answer email.
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Jun 12, 2012
I had a 2067 don't you have to put it into program mode with a keystroke?
For cloning from one scanner to another using a simple audio cable, you do have to press the up arrow to start the cloning operation.
For programming with a computer, it happens automatically. In fact, I have that part working. The second I select "Download from scanner" in Win92, the screen of the Pro-92 (or the Pro-2067) changes and it starts sending data. However Win92 just sits there waiting for a "01 98 03 52" string that it never sees.
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