Okay, there is this website called rapidradios.com that claims their walkie talkies use all the cell towers using the "data portion", but once you buy them there is no subscription fee. Further they claim to be encrypted so no one else can hear your communications. So, what's the deal? How can they use the towers without YOU paying for them? If this company goes bankrupt in the future will these radios become bricks? The range is supposedly world-wide? If power goes out on the towers, the SHTF claim is worthless.
Soooo, does anyone here have a set? If so, what is your take on these things? I've noticed they sure as heck are NOT cheap. Is most of the cost to pay upfront for the the tower time?

Soooo, does anyone here have a set? If so, what is your take on these things? I've noticed they sure as heck are NOT cheap. Is most of the cost to pay upfront for the the tower time?