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What mfg do you use? I have a Lorex system for home use, a towing company is looking for a decent system, my Lorex won't fit the bill, motion detection is iffy.
Don't know, they have a physical security group that takes care of them as well as the door access systems. I don't interface with them very often.
With only two 911 dispatchers on at a time (and sometimes a trainee) there's not a lot of spare eyes to watch the system. I know it's tied into security systems, so screens will pop up with intrusion alarms. Officers can call in and have them look back through the video to see what the trigger was. It all gets dumped to a server farm and retained for some period of time.
Unfortunately they don't always tell us when they add new cameras. We had a remote site that needed very low bandwidth. One day the T-1 just started going fully saturated and the few users at the location started complaining. Turned out the physical security guys added a new camera and didn't tell our bit-heads. But it was long since time we moved off T-1 circuits. They just turned up a 300meg link last week for them and I put in the disconnect order for the T-1. I think it was our last T-1 data link.