RCAG sites

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Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Boston, MA
There is an RCAG site near me (Gardner, MA, ZBC) that is listed in the database (RadioReference.com - Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference Database) as being co-located with a VOR/DME site. Looking at the satellite view of the location I don't see the tell tale 4 tower, or even a single tower at the site. Only the VOR/DME structure and a small VOR receive antenna at the 9 o'clock position. A better image of the site is from Bing Maps (Bing Maps - Driving Directions, Traffic and Road Conditions). Is it possible the RCAG antenna is integrated into the VOR/DME structure, or is the RCAG located somewhere else?



Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
As far as I know there is nothing else in a VOR "cone". Unless you can see towers or other antennas near it, it is probably located someplace else. The FAA's RCAG location data shows a lot of them as being at airports or VORs when they really aren't.
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Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Boston, MA
I know the signal is strong in the area, but it's tough to be 100% certain with all the hills and trees in New England. I guess the only way to verify it is to visit the site with the antenna disconnected and the attenuator on. It's a bit out of the way for me but it's a mystery I feel I have to solve!


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2003
Dayton, Ohio
It has been my experience when visiting these co-located sites that the transmitters can be mounted on telephone poles, or narrow metal poles. The more I think about it, of the "co-located" VOR/RCAG sites around me that I've visited, I dont recall ANY of them having the traditional RCAG towers.

Dont think that just because a large square tower or 4 tower array isnt there that the transmitter isnt there....

The other question to answer is how old the Bing map data is....

Use discretion when you go out to check these sites out. They are usually well off-road and down long lanes.

I used to enter the VHF frequency for the VOR in my scanner and drive to the town it was listed in. If I couldnt receive it, I'd dial-in the co-located RCAG frequency in and try to home in to it. If I failed at that, I'd turn on my old Garmin GPS 38 and let it take me there..... It can be fun going out and finding these things. (at least for people like us)

When you hear Center say, for example, "cleared direct Rosewood, rest of route unchanged," you know exactly where to and from the aircraft is headed.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 28, 2003
Laurel Springs, NJ
When you have an RCAG co-located with a VTAC your not going to have any "RCAG" towers near the site. The 1 pole you see is the TACAN monitor antenna not the VOR monitor antenna. The VOR monitor antenna(s) are located around the VOR counterpoise every 22.5 degrees for a total of 15, unless the VOR is a doppler VOR which I don't Gardner is. The big towers would affect the VOR signal in space and cause problems. If there is a co-located RCAG then it could be on a telephone pole or even on the TACAN monitor antenna pole.

EDIT 1. The info above is for a "normal" type of VOR. Gardner VOR is a Doppler type of VOR. Replacing the 15 monitor antennas around the counterpoise are 50 sideband only antennas. The monitor antenna is in the "far field" usually about 1000' away from the facility. If there is a co-located RCAG/ COOM site it will be on a single pole sometimes a telephone pole or metal mast that is not to large of a diameter. Again no towers since they will cause problems with the radiated VOR signal.
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Database Admin
May 28, 2006
Winthrop, Ma
I happened to come across this photo on wikipedia the other day of the North Truro radar site which is located at the former North Truro Air Force Station on Cape Cod. Located are two RCAG antenna towers.

File:Radar tower to the north of the old North Truro Air Force Station.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I tried looking in the database to see what frequencies are listed at the North Truro site and didn't see anything listed. I also cross referenced the FAA Data and no luck. Since the North Truro radar site is considered a Joint Survelliance System I wonder if they mainly have DOD transmitter antennas there for HUNTRESS.
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May 15, 2002
Clark County, Nevada
I tried looking in the database to see what frequencies are listed at the North Truro site and didn't see anything listed. I also cross referenced the FAA Data and no luck. Since the North Truro radar site is considered a Joint Survelliance System I wonder if they mainly have DOD transmitter antennas there for HUNTRESS.

Pretty much all the FAA ARSRs are part of JSS, though obviously some sites (such as North Truro) are more important than others.

By the way, if an RCAG/RCO is or can being used by DOD (NORAD), the sites are now known as NDAGs -- National Defense Air/Ground.
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