Hey all, I've posted several times on the forums looking for help or advice to extend the range of my home scanner setup. I have a Whistler TRX-2 and a folded dipole antenna tuned to my scanning range, high VHF. In between is about 75' of low loss RG6 coax. For the past few months I've played around with different antennas, even buying and installing a Larsen tri-band whip antenna installed on a ground plane kit which was highly recommended for my situation. I still felt like I wasn't getting the range I should be. The reason being is that I was getting almost the same reception with a handheld scanner and rubber duck antenna while driving around in my car. Finally today I did an experiment. I took my folded dipole off the roof and ran a 3' jumper cable directly to my handheld scanner. I stood in my driveway and the reception was dramatically better then when the antenna was on the roof. I did the same test with the Larsen tri-band. Again, super performance, and the antenna was laying on it's side in my trunk. Still better reception then either antenna on the roof. Perfect! My feed line in the problem. Maybe water intrusion, maybe it's because I have two sections pieced together to make up the 75' run. So back on the roof I went to put my dipole back up. Just for fun I took the handheld scanner and 3' section of cable on the roof with me. I was shocked to find the reception was garbage again! The same setup that works amazingly well 30' lower in my driveway, now had junk reception. It seemed only SLIGHLY better while I was holding the antenna in my hand vs. when it was mounted on the metal mast I have on my roof. To make a long story longer, there is something about the physical location on the roof that is killing the reception. My house sits on a bit of a hill, with great line of sight for miles in all directions. I should have phenomenal reception on the roof. There are no other antennas, the electrical feed line from the street is on the other side of the house... I even took my wifi weather station down and turned it off with no change in reception. This part of my roof is above the master bedroom, and there is no electronics in that room by a tv and cable box. I've been chasing this issue for months thinking it was my equipment so it's frustrating to find out it's the location (which I cannot easily change).
Any thoughts at all about this? It's a total mystery to me. I'm glad it's not the equipment that's the problem and at least I'm getting somewhere here, but frustrating at the same time. Thanks again.