The "good old days" only look good now because time has dimmed the memories of the bad. Back in the early seventies, there was a southern state that had the same VHF-low freq (44.70) as us, when conditions were right, you could hear them better than the area OHP.
There was a story going around, possibly an urban legend sort of thing, that Vinita OHP got a call from the comm center in this southern state. Seems they could hear one of the OHP troopers calling Vinita for help, and Vinita couldn't, so they were relaying the info for him, and repeating Vinita's replys back on their radio system to the trooper.
Like I say, it might be one of those "fish stories" that get bigger each time it's told, but given the nature of the 44 MHz band and the fact that we were near a sunspot max at the time, not at all impossible. I do know that until the VHF-high relay was put in near Bartlesville, communications between troopers in Washington County and Vinita OHP were at best problematic.
Mark S.