I still have a Micor with an NHRC-4 controller, but it was removed from service years ago. I replaced it with a P25 Quantar. As far as "bells & whistles" go and staying legal, I'd say DTMF control would be essential to remain legal, unless the repeater owner lives close to the site and has 24/7 site access. I bought three ID-O-Matic IV controllers the other day, because NHRC is not open for business and CAT is closed permanently. I should have purchased an ICS Basic as it does have DTMF. I don't have 24/7 site access, so I need to be able to remotely shut repeaters on/off. I'll just build "foxes" out of the ID-O-Matic controllers for fox hunts. I really do like the design and especially like the programming with PuTTY. They are very easy to build, small and extremely easy to program & wire up. But no remote control is a deal breaker for me. In my opinion, if the owner could write new code for the PIC to include DTMF control, he would have one of the best all-around controllers on the market. Most of the ones I see now are made with Raspberry PI's. I have two GMRS repeaters that use those, but I suck at & hate Linux and I get a migraine every time I need to make changes. I like simple. The NHRC, ICS and CAT controllers rocked. Easy to repair and easy to program. My RPI controllers just have too many areas to screw things up and I just don't enjoy programming them.