Researching HF receivers

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I thought I might take a moment and let folks - especially the newcomers here - know that our Wiki site now has a fairly extensive set of pages that you can use to research that brand spanking new receiver (or maybe even an antenna) that you've wanted for the holidays.

Antennas Wiki

Utility Monitoring Wiki

SWL Broadcast Wiki

Icom Receivers

AOR Receivers

As you can see, we've collected many different topics and manufacturers, along with links, reviews and a great deal more. For example, the AOR wiki has information on the very hot AOR7030 receiver, and the not-so-easy-to-find AOR3030 HF receiver. The Icom page has links for the R75 (a VERY popular receiver these days), and oldies but goodies such as the R70 and R71.

There are links to the RadioIntel website, run by my friend Ulis Fleming in the SWL broadcast and Utility wikis. This site is truly the Strong Signals of the HF world, and contains a great many more links than we could ever hope to post and maintain on the Wikis. Those that are researching portables should bookmark the site - and even check Yahoo groups to see if their desired radio has a link there.

You need not register to view these pages - simply click on the links provided, and be ready to read. I guarantee you'll find something to aid in helping getting those hints to
Santa and company :D

73s and stay warm...Mike


Mar 15, 2005
Grants, NM
I am looking for a SSB SHortwave wave recevier, can anyone recommend one that would cover everthing, like to listen to ham, and govenerment voice if possible. live in nortwest New Mexico. Much of ham folks now on HF SSB talking digitialy.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
That may be true where you are, but each time I tune the ham bands with my RX320, I still get a bunch of voice...
Covering everything? Unless you get a radio like the Icom R8500, there's just no way that one radio can do it all well. You're better off splitting the bill - a seperate radio for VHF/UHF, one for HF.
If you're going to go into digital, a portable radio - even the high end ones - will not do well in crowded conditions (they're fine if the signal is strong and clear...). You will need a decent desktop rx - a popular choice is the Icom R75, and there are other Icom rxs that are also pretty popular. If you decide to get your license, many ham band transceivers today have decent general coverage receivers as well.
Also very popular among the HF digital listening crowd are the Japan Radio Corporations' NRD series receivers. They are expensive, but you do find them on the used list occasionally. As they are mostly built for the maritime service (which is Japan Radio Corporations' real background) they're built for such RF Rugged apps.
I wouldn't turn down a good used Drake R8 series either. I used the older brother - the Drake R7A - for many years on digital with good success.
We have a wiki page on Icom rxs (as noted earlier); and to research other rxs, I would highly recommend you check out the RadioIntel site I mentioned earlier. EHam has extensive user reviews of equipment. Many of these radios have Yahoo groups, and they're often the best place to get feedback on using a radio on a specific application. I wouldn't ignore joining the Worldwide Utility News group on, either (their link is on the utility monitoring wiki) as given earlier.

73s and GL with your search..Mike


Nov 30, 2005
Panama City Beach, FL
hhall2260 said:
I am looking for a SSB SHortwave wave recevier, can anyone recommend one that would cover everthing, like to listen to ham, and govenerment voice if possible. live in nortwest New Mexico. Much of ham folks now on HF SSB talking digitialy.
What's your budget? That will give us a starting point. As with all other great hobbies you can spend as much as you want ;) .
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