Richmond Logs 02/01/2017

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Dec 26, 2005
Yes, another log thread - only this time its only from less than one day of monitoring and from Church Hill in Richmond (a high elevation point). I know a lot of these have already been IDed.

Lots of 152.xxxx school repeaters popping up now. 152.300 is a mess when Yellow Cab transmits at the same time as the HCPS repeater. They're certainly making use of the 7.5 kHz "split" narrowband channels. I know there is heavy use of CTCSS/DCS and the equipment being used by the systems themselves are a bit more selective, but adjacent-channel interference/QRM was rampant, especially in the 152 MHz region with all these active repeater systems.

464.500 [162.2Hz PL], 467.900 [167.9Hz PL], and 467.925 [71.9Hz PL] were all incredibly active with construction and crane control related traffic. Lots of mixed Spanish/English comms. Somebody (presumably a supervisor) would call somebody in English and they would respond in Spanish. I have noted this on 451.8125 [452 DPL] in the past as well. Some of the construction supervisors clearly speak Spanish nearly fluently to be able to switch back and forth with such ease. It seemed like both 467.900 and 467.925 were used by several different groups or teams at the same construction site.

Anyway, on to the logs:

151.6250 [023 DPL] Weak, possibly construction, could be related to 151.700 [023 DPL]
151.6850 [CSQ] Paging or data link
151.7000 [023 DPL] Similar traffic and signal strength as 151.625 [023 DPL]
151.7750 [110.9 PL] Truckers
151.8200 [67.0 PL] Possibly a grocery store or supermarket
151.8200 [026 DPL] School administration, talking about buses (weak, but readable)
151.9100 [565 DPL] Repeater, talking about students and bus numbers (schools)
151.9400 [114.8 PL] Voice Inversion
151.9400 [156.7 PL] Voice Inversion
151.9550 [94.8 PL] Portables, weak
151.9850 [143 DPL] Chesterfield County Public Schools repeater
152.3000 [023 DPL] Yellow Cab Dispatcher
152.3000 [445 DPL] Henrico County Public Schools (basically equisignal with Yellow Cab on same freq!)
152.3975 [503 DPL] Schools repeater, heavy pager intermod/QRM
152.4050 [743 DPL] Schools repeater (talking about buses, etc) w/QRM from 152.3975
152.4350 [94.8 PL] Repeater (logged previously)
152.4650 [127.3 PL] Schools repeater, very active/strong signal
152.4650 [526 DPL] Repeater, likely schools
152.8775 [743 DPL] Richmond City Public Schools repeater (much stronger than 152.885)
152.8850 [411 DPL] Repeater, likely schools
152.9000 [205 DPL] Maggie Walker Governor School (interfering with 152.9075 and vise-versa)
152.9075 [074 DPL] Repeater, likely schools
152.9075 [172 DPL] Richmond City Public Schools repeater
152.9150 [074 DPL] Repeater, likely schools
152.9450 [071 DPL] Chesterfield County Public Schools repeater
153.2300 [071 DPL] Repeater, unknown user (weak)
154.4825 [74.4 PL] Weak, probably mobiles judging by signal strength variations
154.5050 [074 DPL] Repeater, possibly schools? But didn't hear any "tell-tale" school related traffic
154.5275 [136.5 PL] Construction, strong
154.5400 [173.8 PL] Quick key up, local/strong, but no voice traffic heard
154.6000 [67.0 PL] "Solarium" "tonight's dinner"
154.6000 [67.0 PL] Construction with "FRS style" roger beeps (NOT same group listed above)
159.5025 [156 DPL] Schools, simplex or repeater input
159.5100 [503 DPL] Schools, simplex or repeater input
159.5625 [074 DPL] Schools, simplex or repeater input - very strong/local
159.7500 [156 DPL] Schools, simplex
159.8475 [114 DPL] Schools, simplex - very strong/local
451.8125 [452 DPL] "Can you meet me down by River Road?" (strong repeater)
452.2250 [546 DPL] Repeater - unknown user?
461.1125 [67.0 PL] "well do we need to order more from HP?" (office?)
461.1625 [67.0 PL] Hilton Hotel Engineering
462.1250 [69.3 PL] Catering (possibly at a downtown hotel)
462.1250 [072 DPL] The Jefferson Hotel Security (repeater - clashing with 462.125 [69.3 PL]
462.5625 [67.0 PL] HVAC installation teams
462.5750 [67.0 PL] English and Spanish heard, radio checks (probably construction)
462.6250 [206.5 PL] Hotel clerk (portables)
462.6375 [CSQ] "Product check" (Motorola roger beeps)
462.7125 [CSQ] Roger beeps heard, no readable voice
464.3750 [065 DPL] "3 orders remaining"
464.4750 [136.5 PL] Strong repeater, Valets, pre-recorded voice "panic button has been activated"
464.5000 [67.0 PL] Hotel cleaning crew or maid service
464.5000 [77.0 PL] Fire/security alarm installers testing alarm system
464.5000 [103.5 PL] Courtyard by Marriott Security, getting stepped on by the 162.2Hz PL users
464.5000 [162.2 PL] Construction, most active of the many users on 464.5
464.5000 [179.9 PL] Hotel-related traffic, portables (Crowne Plaza Hotel)
464.5000 [703 DPL] Weak, possibly traffic control/flagmen
464.5500 [67.0 PL] Construction noises in background
464.5500 [179.9 PL] Hotel
464.6125 [503 DPL] Possibly a repeater unkeying - nothing else heard after that
464.8500 [118.8 PL] Possibly repeater, this freq/tone associated with VCU French Film Festival
466.1375 [103.5 PL] "what's your location?" - very strong in Church Hill
466.1625 [245 DPL] "she's all yours" "cable up" (construction/crane control)
466.3125 [179.9 PL] "Clark to Donnie"
467.2375 [CSQ] Data bursts
467.4125 [047 DPL] "Just a little bit more...okay you're good" (portables, not repeater input)
467.5875 [67.0 PL] Construction (Motorola roger beeps heard)
467.6875 [CSQ] talking about painting and being on schedule (construction)
467.7125 [67.0 PL] "Mike, where you at?" (no roger beeps here)
467.7625 [114.8 PL] Weak, possibly retail-related traffic
467.7750 [114 DPL] Target (portables) weak but readable
467.8125 [67.0 PL] Spanish, likely construction (strong)
467.8125 [103.5 PL] "Hey Big D you got a copy on me?"
467.8500 [67.0 PL] Construction/crane control - very active
467.8500 [203.5 PL] Valet parking
467.8625 [77.0 PL] Spanish, talking about dumpsters, construction noise in background
467.8750 [67.0 PL] Electrical and/or IT installation teams
467.8750 [94.8 PL] "I'm about to climb up this wall"
467.9000 [67.0 PL] School administration or maybe daycare (children heard in background)
467.9000 [167.9 PL] Construction/crane control - very active
467.9125 [146.2 PL] "1.5" and several other figures being read
467.9250 [67.0 PL] Talking about "second floor fixtures"
467.9250 [71.9 PL] Construction/crane control, English, Spanish (and Spanglish) heard
469.5500 [452 DPL] Construction, possibly related to 451.8125 [452 DPL]
469.9500 [203.5 PL] School administration (weak, portables - not repeater input)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
152.300 [d445] should be Hungary Creek Middle School. I'm surprised how far they carry.
152.9075 [d074] - This appears to be a middle school (I've heard 8th grade mentioned) and it appears to let out at 3:15 which would go with Henrico County.

151.985 [d143] I feel fairly sure is Thomas Dale HS

Great to see your logging. I going to program in a lot of your hotel related stuff in hopes that it can be chased down later.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Dec 26, 2005
Thanks N4JRI,

I eventually had to lock out 467.875 [67.0 PL], 467.900 [167.9 PL] and 467.925 [71.9 PL] as they would lock the scanner up every time. I also got tired of hearing "cable down..cable down...cable down" over and over again. Even listening to the construction traffic for longer amounts of time gives little clues as to the actual users of the frequency/tone (that is, which company/contractor it is). The fact that these are basic out-of-the-box "job site radio" frequencies makes it even harder.

I know Crowne Plaza Hotel uses 179.9 PL and I've logged them several times. They have excellent radios (or an excellent location). Philip Morris also uses that same PL on 464.825 [repeated] and several other frequencies but it is helpful when an organization uses the same PL for all things as far as IDing them goes. There's several large construction projects going on the VCU area and downtown (and at the University of Richmond, where I suspect the 451.8125 [452 DPL] temporary repeater is located, due to the mentions of "River Road". Still have not completely IDed that user either, even though they're just as chatty as the guys on 464.500/464.550/467.875/467.900/467.925.

I've noticed that common/default frequencies/tones are often used by several groups at once. 467.925 [67.0 PL], 464.500 [67.0 PL], 154.570 [67.0 PL] and 154.600 [67.0 PL] are all great examples of this. I know 467.925 [67.0] is used downtown but also used by Bow Tie Movieland for ops/security, and probably by other users later in the evening for bar/nightclub security. 154.570 and 154.600 are the default frequencies for out of the box Motorola MURS jobsite radios, although nearly all construction traffic I've logged seems to be on UHF.

Having said that, here's some logs I made yesterday (over a course of roughly 2 hours in the early-mid afternoon:

151.6250 [167.9 PL] Talking about Pennsylvania state permits for hauling a crane (mobiles)
151.6850 [CSQ] Data bursts
151.9100 [565 DPL] Schools/Repeater
151.9550 [94.8 PL] VCU Film School
152.2700 [606 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.3000 [023 DPL] Yellow Cab (Base)
152.3300 [723 DPL] Repeater, not schools
152.3450 [712 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.3600 [263 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.3750 [624 DPL] Repeater
152.3900 [565 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.3975 [503 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.4050 [631 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.4050 [743 DPL] Schools/Repeater (weaker than users of 631 DPL)
152.4200 [023 DPL] Repeater (probably schools)
152.4275 [343 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.4350 [94.8 PL] Schools/Repeater
152.4650 [127.3 PL] Schools/Repeater
152.4650 [526 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.8700 [054 DPL] Repeater, likely schools
152.8775 [743 DPL] Schools/Repeater
152.8850 [411 DPL] Repeater “okay go ahead and break it down”
152.9075 [074 DPL] Repeater
152.9075 [172 DPL] Repeater
152.9825 [156 DPL] Schools/Repeater
153.2300 [071 DPL] Repeater keyup
153.9875 [243 DPL] Weak, repeater (unknown user)
154.5050 [074 DPL] Schools/Repeater (weak)
154.5700 [67.0 PL] Asking about inventory, portables
154.5700 [192.8 PL] Very weak, with heavy pager/P25 intermod
154.5700 [210.7 PL] Portables, weak
159.5625 [074 DPL] Schools/Simplex
451.8125 [452 DPL] Construction Repeater “Channel 1” (very active/strong)
456.8125 [452 DPL] input to 451.8125, mobiles strong and readable
461.2125 [67.0 PL] Hotel
461.6750 [127.3 PL] King’s Dominion Repeater
461.9750 [127.3 PL] RRHA Central Maintenance Dispatch (repeater)
462.0625 [CSQ] LTR voice traffic
462.5625 [CSQ] Roger beeps heard (very strong/local)
462.5625 [67.0 PL] Kids talking on the radio, strong
462.5625 [77.0 PL] Spanish (likely not construction related)
462.6125 [71.9 PL] Roger beeps heard
462.6375 [67.0 PL] Construction
462.6375 [74.4 PL] Flaggers/traffic control – very active
462.6375 [131.8 PL] Radio checks
462.6625 [82.5 PL] “are you ready for me now?”
462.8000 [CSQ] Pager
463.2875 [CSQ] LTR voice traffic
463.3375 [115 DPL] Property Management (Repeater)
463.4125 [CSQ] LTR voice traffic
464.3500 [146.2 PL] Grounds management/maintenance
464.5000 [162.2 PL] Construction/Crane Control (very active), mention of “Long Construction”
464.5000 [132 DPL] Weak
464.5125 [151.4 PL] Portables, weak
464.5500 [67.0] “Jake” and “Mike” talking, sounds like construction/installation team
464.5500 [346 DPL] Possibly a (temporary) repeater
464.6000 [CSQ] Pager
464.6625 [754 DPL] Repeater, maint/property mgmt?
464.7000 [CSQ] Data bursts (possible wireless clock syncro)
464.8875 [CSQ] Data bursts (strong)
465.0000 [CSQ] Pager, weak
465.9125 [CSQ] Data bursts (Richmond Alarm Co.)
467.6875 [CSQ] Spanish
467.7125 [77.0 PL] Possible school or day care?
467.8500 [100.0 PL] Stocking, likely retail-related (possibly Kroger)
467.8750 [67.0 PL] Construction, idle chit-chat during lunch break
467.9000 [67.0 PL] Possibly security? Similar to 467.925 [67.0]
467.9000 [167.9 PL] Construction/crane control (very active)
467.9250 [67.0 PL] Security/Facilities management (weak)
467.9250 [71.9 PL] Construction (very active)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
School Freq

159.8475 [d114] is used at John B. Cary Elementary, and possibly at Open High School. Most schools radio use should peak at dismissal time. In the city, that's 2:45 for high schools, 3:15 for middle schools, and 3:45 for elementary schools.

73/Allen (N4JRI)
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