Richmond Logs 12/20 to 12/22 2016 - IDs, anybody?

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Dec 26, 2005
Looking to all you guys out there with extensive personal databases (namely of business users)

Can you ID any of these? Receiving antenna located in The Fan in Richmond City, dual band VHF/UHF (150-170/440-470) antenna up roughly 35-40 feet above the ground). Radio used was a Radioshack Pro-96.

151.5125 432 DPL Mobiles, talk about "rest area" and "interstate"
151.5500 CSQ Paging
151.5800 026 DPL Repeater
151.6250 546 DPL "23 left and 1 over" (portables, weak)
151.6250 167.9 PL “he’s in the right lane, look over to your right lane” – very strong
151.7750 203.5 PL Portables/mobiles, no names or IDs heard
151.8200 503 DPL Portables, possibly related to daycare/school (MURS CH 01)
151.8200 100.0 PL Simplex – Bicycle Club, talking about waves and timing (MURS CH 01)
151.9400 114.8 PL Voice Inversion (mobiles)
152.3000 023 DPL Yellow Cab Base
152.3300 141.3 PL “Coming towards you now” “3 Rocky Spring Court” (strong mobiles)
152.3375 065 DPL Possibly Henrico County Public Schools (Repeater)
152.3375 156 DPL See above (Repeater)
152.3600 173.8 PL Virginia State University Physical Plant WPVB922
152.3900 365 DPL Henrico County Public Schools (Repeater)
152.4200 343 DPL Possibly Henrico County Public Schools (Repeater)
152.4350 94.8 PL Repeater, very strong
152.8700 054 DPL Repeater
154.5700 67.0 PL Portables, weak (MURS CH 04)
154.5700 229.1 PL Group of vehicles driving down 95 – Mobiles (MURS CH 04)
154.6000 67.0 PL “You’ve got another truck backing up now” (MURS CH 05)
451.8125 452 DPL Construction, strong, likely a portable/temp repeater
451.9250 71.9 PL Areawide Communications (Repeater) (KBF247)
451.9250 627 PL Areawide Communications (Repeater) (KBF247)
452.1125 100.0 PL Building maintenance (simplex)
452.2250 546 DPL “that’s 00662” “10-4” (Repeater)
453.8000 023 DPL Henrico County GPS Data Bursts (RTK???)
453.9000 118.8 PL “Where you at, H?” “please swap with that one” (strong)
456.5375 CSQ Very Strong Telemetry/Data (possibly related to local construction traffic)
457.5625 223 DPL Talking about hot water heater (Simplex)
461.0625 67.0 PL Construction (Cable/Crane Control) – VCU ICA Site
461.0875 67.0 PL “you’re gonna see something”
461.1875 67.0 PL Spanish (strong)
461.2750 123.0 PL “We’re gonna need that second forklift here” (construction noise in bkgrd)
461.2750 127.3 PL “bye bye now”
461.7500 CSQ “that worked perfectly, thank you very much (possibly part of LTR system)
462.1250 69.3 PL Construction (simplex)
462.2250 77.0 PL “You guys have 12?” (simplex)
462.5250 114.8 PL – talking about resetting breakers, very strong signals (simplex)
462.5625 CSQ “Make sure you get the good ones” – very strong (FRS CH 01)
462.5625 67.0 PL “Mr. Gregory?” woman/girl whispering very quietly into microphone (FRS CH 01)
462.5625 71.9 PL “You wanna bring that up here?” (FRS CH 01)
462.5875 67.0 PL “Mikey”, “John” and several others talking (FRS CH 02)
462.6125 74.4 PL Flagmen/traffic direction – extremely active (FRS CH 03)
462.6375 CSQ “Can you see the boogie board yet?” (weak, but readable) (FRS CH 04)
462.6375 67.0 PL Cars driving up/down 95/64 (FRS CH 04)
462.6500 67.0 PL Mix of English and Spanish, sounds like cleaning crew (FRS/GMRS CH 18)
462.6625 67.0 PL Restaurant/food service staff (FRS CH 05)
462.6875 67.0 PL Construction (FRS CH 06)
462.6875 82.5 PL Weak, getting destroyed by 462.6875 [67.0 Hz] traffic (FRS CH 06)
462.7125 77.0 PL Electricians (strong) (FRS CH 07)
462.7875 464 DPL Plumbers/pipe installers, talking about running a sink
462.8000 CSQ Paging, probably WQXF648 (causing interference to 462.7875 and 462.8125 MHz)
462.8625 132 DPL Hotel/hospitality
463.2250 632 DPL Talking about dumping something on the side of the road (simplex)
463.2750 612 DPL Maymont (Simplex) – likely “channel 3” (expired license)
463.3250 051 DPL "Send what you've got…you're almost there" (laughing in background)
463.5000 156.7 PL “We need you over here…we got a big crate to pull off this truck” (strong)
463.8750 127.3 PL "alright 10-4" "calibrate that thing" "your total meter looks good"
464.5000 CSQ – Weak CWID heard several times
464.5000 67.0 PL “Check the cutaway” and lots of other construction-related traffic
464.5000 88.5 PL Portables – “Sending smoke from top of elevator shaft”
464.5000 162.2 PL Construction, loading/unloading coordination. Very active frequency/tone
464.5000 047 DPL Construction, including crane coordination
464.5000 114 DPL Flagmen/traffic direction (with construction sounds in background)
464.5125 77.0 PL Retail or food service (weak, simplex)
464.5125 85.4 PL “number 9” “alright sent it now” “try that one again”
464.5250 343 DPL “Valve 72” (mobiles)
464.5375 192.8 PL Weak, portables
464.5500 67.0 PL Construction (possibly related to 464.500 67.0 PL)
464.5500 346 DPL "trying to get a way out of here" - construction sounds heard in background
464.6000 516 DPL Crane Control – possibly Philip Morris WPVC558?
464.7750 156.7 PL Repeater (Dupont) KJE700
464.7750 229.1 PL Repeater VCU MCV Virginia Treatment Center For Children WQLI326
464.8250 179.9 PL “anything special I need?” (Repeater)
465.2250 146.2 PL Construction, possibly electrical (simplex)
465.9125 CSQ – Telemetry
466.1125 065 DPL – Construction (weak, but readable)
467.5875 CSQ – Construction (FRS CH 09)
467.6125 CSQ – Plumbing installers. “We need more than 16 inches of pipe here” (FRS CH 10)
467.6625 77.0 PL Talking about replacing trash bags (maybe housekeeping/hotel?) (FRS CH 12)
467.6625 103.5 PL Possibly retail/food service, weak (FRS CH 12)
467.6875 67.0 PL Weak, kids playing on the radio (FRS CH 13)
467.6875 77.0 PL “swing to your right” “bring it down easy….” crane/loading control (FRS CH 13)
467.7625 365 DPL Simplex, possibly property management
467.8125 67.0 PL Spanish (strong)
467.8625 67.0 PL Spanish
467.8750 67.0 PL Security?
467.8750 167.9 PL Construction? Asking about when a vendor is supposed to arrive (strong)
467.9125 365 DPL Simplex, possibly related to 467.7625 365 DPL
467.9250 67.0 PL Movieland/Bow Tie Cinema
467.9250 71.9 PL Construction (mix of Spanish and English)
467.9250 167.9 PL Security, possibly related to 467.875 167.9 PL
467.9250 131 DPL “See if you can log back in now”
469.5500 047 DPL Construction (simplex, strong)
469.9500 203.5 PL Electrical contractors (see also: 462.525 114.8 PL)



Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
461.275 [127.3] phone interconnect at Regency Square
152.435 [94.8] possibly Deep Run High School.

Lots of good stuff to investigate. I lived at Meadow & Grace for 16 years, and there was always interesting stuff--including bounty hunters who came to my building. (they used the old Radio Communications of VA privacy-plus trunk)

Add this to your list. I played at the Mosque/Landmark/Altria Tuesday night and found sound tech traffic on 467.925 [250.3]. Was also trying known RMC & SMG freqs from CenterStage & Coliseum to no avail. Am pretty sure I found Virginia Historical Society using DMR on 464.325. cc10sl1tg1.

Also picked up that voice inversion on 151.94 [114.8] pretty strong, and it seemed like it could be a repeater. I left the Fan in 2010, but prior to that, there used to be some sort of budding MURS thing going on west of the Boulevard. Don't hear too much on that or FRS these days. In my earlier years in the Fan (prior to the days of cheap smartphones) I heard a lot of FRS coming from dorms at Virginia Union.

Can you be any more specific about where you are in the Fan?

73/Allen (N4JRI)
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Nov 9, 2002
Prince George, Virginia--Central Va.
Va. Historical Society

461.275 [127.3] phone interconnect at Regency Square
152.435 [94.8] possibly Deep Run High School.

Lots of good stuff to investigate. I lived at Meadow & Grace for 16 years, and there was always interesting stuff--including bounty hunters who came to my building. (they used the old Radio Communications of VA privacy-plus trunk)

Add this to your list. I played at the Mosque/Landmark/Altria Tuesday night and found sound tech traffic on 467.925 [250.3]. Was also trying known RMC & SMG freqs from CenterStage & Coliseum to no avail. Am pretty sure I found Virginia Historical Society using DMR on 464.325. cc10sl1tg1.

Also picked up that voice inversion on 151.94 [114.8] pretty strong, and it seemed like it could be a repeater. I left the Fan in 2010, but prior to that, there used to be some sort of budding MURS thing going on west of the Boulevard. Don't hear too much on that or FRS these days. In my earlier years in the Fan (prior to the days of cheap smartphones) I heard a lot of FRS coming from dorms at Virginia Union.

Can you be any more specific about where you are in the Fan?

73/Allen (N4JRI)


I agree you heard the V.H.S. repeater. Like most DMR licenses the user is authorized for analog or DMR emission mode. If operating analog emission mode the pl is D532.



Nov 9, 2002
Prince George, Virginia--Central Va.
Some possible(P)/(C)confirmed frequency ids

Looking to all you guys out there with extensive personal databases (namely of business users)

Can you ID any of these? Receiving antenna located in The Fan in Richmond City, dual band VHF/UHF (150-170/440-470) antenna up roughly 35-40 feet above the ground). Radio used was a Radioshack Pro-96.

151.5125 432 DPL Mobiles, talk about "rest area" and "interstate"
151.5500 CSQ Paging
151.5800 026 DPL Repeater
151.6250 546 DPL "23 left and 1 over" (portables, weak)
151.6250 167.9 PL “he’s in the right lane, look over to your right lane” – very strong
151.7750 203.5 PL Portables/mobiles, no names or IDs heard
151.8200 503 DPL Portables, possibly related to daycare/school (MURS CH 01)
151.8200 100.0 PL Simplex – Bicycle Club, talking about waves and timing (MURS CH 01)
151.9400 114.8 PL Voice Inversion (mobiles)
152.3000 023 DPL Yellow Cab Base
152.3300 141.3 PL “Coming towards you now” “3 Rocky Spring Court” (strong mobiles)
152.3375 065 DPL Possibly Henrico County Public Schools (Repeater)
152.3375 156 DPL See above (Repeater)
152.3600 173.8 PL Virginia State University Physical Plant WPVB922
152.3900 365 DPL Henrico County Public Schools (Repeater)
152.4200 343 DPL Possibly Henrico County Public Schools (Repeater)
152.4350 94.8 PL Repeater, very strong
152.8700 054 DPL Repeater
154.5700 67.0 PL Portables, weak (MURS CH 04)
154.5700 229.1 PL Group of vehicles driving down 95 – Mobiles (MURS CH 04)
154.6000 67.0 PL “You’ve got another truck backing up now” (MURS CH 05)
451.8125 452 DPL Construction, strong, likely a portable/temp repeater
451.9250 71.9 PL Areawide Communications (Repeater) (KBF247)
451.9250 627 PL Areawide Communications (Repeater) (KBF247)
452.1125 100.0 PL Building maintenance (simplex)
452.2250 546 DPL “that’s 00662” “10-4” (Repeater)
453.8000 023 DPL Henrico County GPS Data Bursts (RTK???)
453.9000 118.8 PL “Where you at, H?” “please swap with that one” (strong)
456.5375 CSQ Very Strong Telemetry/Data (possibly related to local construction traffic)
457.5625 223 DPL Talking about hot water heater (Simplex)
461.0625 67.0 PL Construction (Cable/Crane Control) – VCU ICA Site
461.0875 67.0 PL “you’re gonna see something”
461.1875 67.0 PL Spanish (strong)
461.2750 123.0 PL “We’re gonna need that second forklift here” (construction noise in bkgrd)
461.2750 127.3 PL “bye bye now”
461.7500 CSQ “that worked perfectly, thank you very much (possibly part of LTR system)
462.1250 69.3 PL Construction (simplex)
462.2250 77.0 PL “You guys have 12?” (simplex)
462.5250 114.8 PL – talking about resetting breakers, very strong signals (simplex)
462.5625 CSQ “Make sure you get the good ones” – very strong (FRS CH 01)
462.5625 67.0 PL “Mr. Gregory?” woman/girl whispering very quietly into microphone (FRS CH 01)
462.5625 71.9 PL “You wanna bring that up here?” (FRS CH 01)
462.5875 67.0 PL “Mikey”, “John” and several others talking (FRS CH 02)
462.6125 74.4 PL Flagmen/traffic direction – extremely active (FRS CH 03)
462.6375 CSQ “Can you see the boogie board yet?” (weak, but readable) (FRS CH 04)
462.6375 67.0 PL Cars driving up/down 95/64 (FRS CH 04)
462.6500 67.0 PL Mix of English and Spanish, sounds like cleaning crew (FRS/GMRS CH 18)
462.6625 67.0 PL Restaurant/food service staff (FRS CH 05)
462.6875 67.0 PL Construction (FRS CH 06)
462.6875 82.5 PL Weak, getting destroyed by 462.6875 [67.0 Hz] traffic (FRS CH 06)
462.7125 77.0 PL Electricians (strong) (FRS CH 07)
462.7875 464 DPL Plumbers/pipe installers, talking about running a sink
462.8000 CSQ Paging, probably WQXF648 (causing interference to 462.7875 and 462.8125 MHz)
462.8625 132 DPL Hotel/hospitality
463.2250 632 DPL Talking about dumping something on the side of the road (simplex)
463.2750 612 DPL Maymont (Simplex) – likely “channel 3” (expired license)
463.3250 051 DPL "Send what you've got…you're almost there" (laughing in background)
463.5000 156.7 PL “We need you over here…we got a big crate to pull off this truck” (strong)
463.8750 127.3 PL "alright 10-4" "calibrate that thing" "your total meter looks good"
464.5000 CSQ – Weak CWID heard several times
464.5000 67.0 PL “Check the cutaway” and lots of other construction-related traffic
464.5000 88.5 PL Portables – “Sending smoke from top of elevator shaft”
464.5000 162.2 PL Construction, loading/unloading coordination. Very active frequency/tone
464.5000 047 DPL Construction, including crane coordination
464.5000 114 DPL Flagmen/traffic direction (with construction sounds in background)
464.5125 77.0 PL Retail or food service (weak, simplex)
464.5125 85.4 PL “number 9” “alright sent it now” “try that one again”
464.5250 343 DPL “Valve 72” (mobiles)
464.5375 192.8 PL Weak, portables
464.5500 67.0 PL Construction (possibly related to 464.500 67.0 PL)
464.5500 346 DPL "trying to get a way out of here" - construction sounds heard in background
464.6000 516 DPL Crane Control – possibly Philip Morris WPVC558?
464.7750 156.7 PL Repeater (Dupont) KJE700
464.7750 229.1 PL Repeater VCU MCV Virginia Treatment Center For Children WQLI326
464.8250 179.9 PL “anything special I need?” (Repeater)
465.2250 146.2 PL Construction, possibly electrical (simplex)
465.9125 CSQ – Telemetry
466.1125 065 DPL – Construction (weak, but readable)
467.5875 CSQ – Construction (FRS CH 09)
467.6125 CSQ – Plumbing installers. “We need more than 16 inches of pipe here” (FRS CH 10)
467.6625 77.0 PL Talking about replacing trash bags (maybe housekeeping/hotel?) (FRS CH 12)
467.6625 103.5 PL Possibly retail/food service, weak (FRS CH 12)
467.6875 67.0 PL Weak, kids playing on the radio (FRS CH 13)
467.6875 77.0 PL “swing to your right” “bring it down easy….” crane/loading control (FRS CH 13)
467.7625 365 DPL Simplex, possibly property management
467.8125 67.0 PL Spanish (strong)
467.8625 67.0 PL Spanish
467.8750 67.0 PL Security?
467.8750 167.9 PL Construction? Asking about when a vendor is supposed to arrive (strong)
467.9125 365 DPL Simplex, possibly related to 467.7625 365 DPL
467.9250 67.0 PL Movieland/Bow Tie Cinema
467.9250 71.9 PL Construction (mix of Spanish and English)
467.9250 167.9 PL Security, possibly related to 467.875 167.9 PL
467.9250 131 DPL “See if you can log back in now”
469.5500 047 DPL Construction (simplex, strong)
469.9500 203.5 PL Electrical contractors (see also: 462.525 114.8 PL)


151.5800 (026) C Honeywell Nylon Plant Operations, Hopewell
152.3300 (141.3) P Tyson Foods, Glen Allen
152.4200 (343) P Lee Davis High School, Mechanicsville
152.4350 (94.8) P Deep Run High School, Glen Allen
154.5700 (67.0) P Foot Locker Chesterfield Town Center
151.8125 (452) P Mid-Atlantic Crane Rental, Richmond
452.1125 (100.0) P Wellesley Terrace Apartments, Richmond or Southland Place, Midlothian
152.2250 (546) C E. I. Dupont, Richmond
451.9250? KBF247 only is licensed for 451.8250 mhz. operation.
461.2750 (123.0) P SIMSMETAL Deepwater Terminal, Richmond
461.2750 (127.3) P Regency Square Operations
462.8000 NPL P Chippenham Hospital Paging
463.8750 (127.3) C Honeywell Nylon Plant Operations, Hopewell
464.8250 (179.9) P Regency Square Housekeeping
465.9125 (Telementry) P Richmond Alarm Co., Richmond
467.7625 (365) P Marywood Apartments, Richmond



Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA

151.5800 (026) C Honeywell Nylon Plant Operations, Hopewell
152.3300 (141.3) P Tyson Foods, Glen Allen
152.4200 (343) P Lee Davis High School, Mechanicsville
152.4350 (94.8) P Deep Run High School, Glen Allen
154.5700 (67.0) P Foot Locker Chesterfield Town Center
151.8125 (452) P Mid-Atlantic Crane Rental, Richmond
452.1125 (100.0) P Wellesley Terrace Apartments, Richmond or Southland Place, Midlothian
152.2250 (546) C E. I. Dupont, Richmond
451.9250? KBF247 only is licensed for 451.8250 mhz. operation.
461.2750 (123.0) P SIMSMETAL Deepwater Terminal, Richmond
461.2750 (127.3) P Regency Square Operations
462.8000 NPL P Chippenham Hospital Paging
463.8750 (127.3) C Honeywell Nylon Plant Operations, Hopewell
464.8250 (179.9) P Regency Square Housekeeping
465.9125 (Telementry) P Richmond Alarm Co., Richmond
467.7625 (365) P Marywood Apartments, Richmond


Looks like we've got a good local game afoot. Kinda fun since most of the gov't stuff is so cut and dried. A couple of comments on this:

452.1125 [100.0] Given the power authorized, I doubt that Wellesley Terrace apts are being heard in the Fan. However, I work near Regency Square on Fridays (just a couple miles from there) and will be watching this to see if something hits.

152.42 [d343] - Lee-Davis HS is on this freq, but uses 612 as its squelch code. However, Moody MS in Henrico uses 343 on 152.4275, which would probably sound pretty clear tuned to 152.42 on a PRO-96. Plus it's a fairly strong repeater that should be heard in the Fan.

152.33 [141.3] - I live about 5 miles from the Tyson plant, and definitely hear this combo in the area, but can't tie it to the plant. The nature of the traffic quoted doesn't seem to match either. Been trying to solve this one for a long time.

One interesting thing is the explosion of all these ex-taxi pairs as a VHF version of the 'local control' stuff that used to be mostly around 464 MHz. I keep these as a separate bank in my radio, because Henrico schools use them extensively. Whatever they've licensed for a repeater at one school is often a second simplex freq at multiple other schools.

73 & Merry Christmas,



Oct 1, 2016

I can confirm that 152.33 [141.3] is the Tyson's chicken plant. Monitoring traffic today and hearing floor workers talking about "running out of birds" and running various "lines" processing different bird parts. The processing plant does not have lines running every day, but when they do, there is generally lots of radio traffic coordinating the various production lines.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
New Year's Eve downtown

Since this involves downtown, I thought I'd just put it in this thread which already has a bunch of good catches in it.

Had New Years Eve off, so I decided to head downtown and see if the big hotels & meeting spaces had anything to reveal. Interestingly, there wasn't much that isn't already in the database or on David Shoenberger's page, so no point in repeating here. Just two items of interest:

1 - The Omni Hotel (attached to the James Center) has combined its 461.475 and 462.000 repeaters into a MotoTRBO trunk. Banquets and/or F&B is using TG 103. (I'd normally say it was banquets, but I actually heard someone call 'banquets' several times--making me think there was a bigger umbrella for this TG) Thanks to a shortage of single-malt scotch, this TG drifted from frequency to frequency and timeslot to timeslot. So if anybody's in range with a DMR Uniden, you may be able to tell us if it's ConnectPlus or CapacityPlus. 461.475 seems to be the more heavily used frequency. TG's 101 & 105 also heard.

2 - Fascinating situation on 151.94 downtown. I generally hear voice inversion on this, but last night it went clear and it IS a repeater. In fact it's a simplex repeater, which allows it to be used with legal MURS radios even though I'm thinking the system itself may not be legal.

This seems to be essentially the same thing as the 147.54 ham repeater on Wintergreen. You transmit initially on the freq (probably using CTCSS) and your voice is recorded. When you unkey, what you said is played back for all in range of the repeater to hear. Because I had a mobile scanner with an antenna on the roof, I got to hear the user upload his message, followed by repeater playback. (When voice inversion was in use, I couldn't tell that this recording thing was going on.)

Pretty clever setup, and probably crude. No need for duplexers or multiple antennas. It could be located in a dorm room (Rhodes Hall is 15 stories, I think) or a downtown apartment or office. Also gets a bit of QRM. Once the PL opens that squelch, lots of nasty stuff wants to come in.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
I can confirm that 152.33 [141.3] is the Tyson's chicken plant. Monitoring traffic today and hearing floor workers talking about "running out of birds" and running various "lines" processing different bird parts. The processing plant does not have lines running every day, but when they do, there is generally lots of radio traffic coordinating the various production lines.

They're live and in production again. Add to the Tyson's collection 153.1775 [127.3], almost as busy. Came up in a search, but little doubt of what it is. Separate license from 152.33

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Dec 26, 2005
Thank you everyone for these IDs! I had completely forgotten about this thread but was pleasantly surprised to see everyone chime in with IDs for these logs. :)


The 151.940 frequency is quite interesting. I've heard several different users on this frequency, some of them using voice inversion and some of them in the clear. The CTCSS tones are all over the place. I've logged 156.7Hz, 167.9Hz and the most common seems to be 114.8Hz. Several others have popped up although I'm not sure if they're related to the "system" in question. Since its MURS, it could be a bunch of unrelated users, including people getting into the simplex repeater without realizing it. I have a feeling that the receiver has CTCSS switched on and off depending on the user's preference. I've also heard people using regular simplex on this frequency. Maybe [some] hunters are switching over to MURS frequencies instead of the VHF marine band after all :p

Late night traffic on 151.940 (and 151.820 and 151.880) seems to be Uber/Lyft drivers using the MURS channels for car-to-car chatter. Talking about fares and activities downtown. I logged traffic on 151.940 during the UCI bicycle race talking about road closures and other informal CB-like chatter.

Judging by the signal strength, I agree with your assumption that its located on some apartment or office building downtown.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Thank you everyone for these IDs! I had completely forgotten about this thread but was pleasantly surprised to see everyone chime in with IDs for these logs. :)


The 151.940 frequency is quite interesting. I've heard several different users on this frequency, some of them using voice inversion and some of them in the clear. The CTCSS tones are all over the place. I've logged 156.7Hz, 167.9Hz and the most common seems to be 114.8Hz. Several others have popped up although I'm not sure if they're related to the "system" in question. Since its MURS, it could be a bunch of unrelated users, including people getting into the simplex repeater without realizing it. I have a feeling that the receiver has CTCSS switched on and off depending on the user's preference. I've also heard people using regular simplex on this frequency. Maybe [some] hunters are switching over to MURS frequencies instead of the VHF marine band after all :p

Late night traffic on 151.940 (and 151.820 and 151.880) seems to be Uber/Lyft drivers using the MURS channels for car-to-car chatter. Talking about fares and activities downtown. I logged traffic on 151.940 during the UCI bicycle race talking about road closures and other informal CB-like chatter.

Judging by the signal strength, I agree with your assumption that its located on some apartment or office building downtown.

Having heard both the mobiles uplinking and the repeater downlinking, I tend to think that 114.8 is the input PL, and am wondering if the other PL's are incidental. A friend spoke with "Red Hawk" recently, and found that the repeater is on a downtown building somewhere. He heard it from Chester. I heard it from Glen Allen. They were 'range testing' on Tuesday afternoon.

Other catches:
152.390 [365] seems doubtful as a Henrico school freq at this point. Have heard traffic, but it doesn't seem to match up.

BTW, I'm more and more convinced that J.R. Tucker is the last Henrico secondary school with no repeater. Maybe they'll end up with a trunk LOL

Have never encountered a Henrico school on 152.3375, but maybe in the East End.

Would love to know what our approximate location is in the Fan.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Dec 26, 2005
I'm located almost right smack in the geographical middle of the fan if that helps :D

The traffic I heard on 152.3375 was of varying signal strengths. Henrico has several licenses, sometimes for individual schools and others with several schools on a single license. I've also noticed that several of the Henrico County Public Schools licenses are licensed in "Richmond City". I imagine this is simply a clerical error given the postal address/license address as being "Richmond".

In regards to the 152.3900 [365 DPL] frequency, what sort of traffic have you heard?

151.940 [114.8 PL] is strong everywhere downtown, seems to be strongest closer to Church Hill even. however the traffic being "repeated" is often noisy and broken, indicating that the mobile in question are often near the coverage fringes. I've heard intermittent traffic on it this evening. Nearly all of the traffic I heard was voice inversion, however.

Another log from tonight is 462.425 [103.5 PL] which appears to be nightclub security/operations traffic. This is default channel 4 on the Baofeng BF-888 (and its dozens of clones) 16-channel UHF radio that has flooded the market recently. I've logged several downtown bars and clubs using other frequencies from the default list. The big one is 462.125 [69.3 PL] which I hear on an almost daily basis. Interestingly enough, two of the default BF-888 channels are GMRS frequencies.

I've logged the following nightclub traffic, which matches with the default BF-888 channeling:

BF-888 Default Channel Frequencies

CH 01 - 462.1250 [69.3 PL] - Cha-Chas, at least 2 other clubs/bars
CH 02 - 462.2250 [CSQ] - 7 Hills (often plagued by QRM due to DMR users on this freq)
CH 03 - 462.3250 [CSQ] - nothing heard (nearly constant DMR traffic on this frequency)
CH 04 - 462.4250 [103.5 PL] - Construction traffic, unknown bar/club downtown, schools
CH 05 - 462.5250 [114.8 PL] - Sine's Irish Pub
CH 06 - 462.6250 [127.3 PL] - Construction, schools (daytime) [GMRS]
CH 07 - 462.7250 [136.5 PL] - Construction (daytime), District 5 Security (evenings) [GMRS]
CH 08 - 462.8250 [162.2 PL] - District 5 Security, other bar/club traffic heard late night
CH 09 - 462.9250 [025 DPL] - Schools (traffic about students and buses - daytime)
CH 10 - 463.0250 [032 DPL] - nothing heard (this is one of the MED channels!!)
CH 11 - 463.1250 [125 DPL] - nothing heard (another MED channel)
CH 12 - 463.2250 [331 DPL] - Schools, construction
CH 13 - 463.5250 [023 DPL] - nothing heard
CH 14 - 450.2250 [023 DPL] - 7 Hills
CH 15 - 469.9500 [203.5 PL] - Cha-Chas
CH 16 - 469.9500 [210.7 PL] - Sine's Irish Pub

Some sources list channels 15 and 16 as having the same PL tone, others show the channel plan above. On some lists, channel 14 (450.225 MHz) is CSQ. Still others list 460.325 as channel 14 instead of 450.225. I'm yet to hear traffic on 460.325 as its occupied by data in the Richmond area. I have a feeling that there are a few different "default" channel frequency/tone programming sets floating around with all the different versions of this radio that are out there.

So in addition to the other sets of common frequencies to scan, throw those in your lists as well, you'd be surprised what you hear. I've seen several construction workers with BF-888s on their vests in Richmond and in other cities (namely Miami and Orlando). I even saw one guy with a BF-888 in one hand and a Motorola UHF HT in the other! I bet he bought a set of 5 (they're dirt cheap, by the way) so he and his buddies could have a "private channel" without the boss listening in.


Speaking of VHF activity...I'm hearing two guys talking on 157.000 [CSQ] right now (VHF marine channel 20). Sounds like hunters or possibly poachers? So much for hunters switching over to MURS instead of using VHF marine band.... at least whoever is running the mystery MURS system is operating on license-free frequencies instead of using safety of life services like VHF marine. I'd much rather see that. Same with hunters operating high power and/or expanded frequency CB/11 meter equipment.
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Oct 1, 2016
Henrico Schools

I can confirm that 152.390 [365] is Holman Middle School in Henrico Schools. I observed a fire drill and monitored the expected traffic on the repeater regarding clearing various building wings and confirmation traffic regarding the accounting for those both present and absent outside the building.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
152.42 [d343] - Lee-Davis HS is on this freq, but uses 612 as its squelch code. However, Moody MS in Henrico uses 343 on 152.4275, which would probably sound pretty clear tuned to 152.42 on a PRO-96. Plus it's a fairly strong repeater that should be heard in the Fan.

I'm going to modify this finding. When in the City, I am hearing a repeater on 152.42 [d343] in the city that may be something other than adjacent-channel from Moody MS. It's not strong, but I'll keep my ears open.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
I can confirm that 152.390 [365] is Holman Middle School in Henrico Schools. I observed a fire drill and monitored the expected traffic on the repeater regarding clearing various building wings and confirmation traffic regarding the accounting for those both present and absent outside the building.

Are you sure it was with the 365 DPL? Holman has had a repeater for some years on 152.3825 [d431] and that's only 7.5 kHz away from 152.39. If you were on-site searching or using something like 'signal-stalker' I feel sure it would've sounded loud and clear.

The reason I ask is that I'm hearing repeater traffic on 152.39 [d365] that I'm just about convinced is the SuperValu distribution center up on Richfood Road. I hear them talking about maintaining temperatures in the 40's, getting such and such a trailer to such and such a door, etc. Could hear them as late as 10:30 tonight.

Also an inquiry for your neighborhood. (I'm near Hermitage HS and am thinking you're fairly near Holladay Elem.) I get a scratchy signal on 467.85 [94.8] mostly during business hours. So scratchy that the recordings don't tell me anything. It sounds a lot stronger around Parham & Staples Mill. You might be as far away from it as I am, but I wonder if you'd give it a listen sometime.

73/Allen (N4JRI)

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
467.8500 [ 94.8] is commonly used by Aldi.


Thanks! That had been my first guess because I have one close by equidistant from a Food Lion and a Kroger on the same freq. Transmissions have been too weak and sparse to nail down. Given this info, I'll take a closer look at the Aldi.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Yep. Definitely Aldi. Weak signal was due to 1.5 watt Kenwood radios.

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