Sacramento Area Ride Along Programs

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Nov 18, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Ride Alongs on helicopters came up in the Sacramento Air Ops thread and it got me wondering about ride along programs, mainly, what happened to them? Apparently some agencies have them, but they are only for employees, or family members.

I went on several SSD ride alongs in the early to mid 90s with a family friend - even got in an accident while responding code 3 to a 211 silent! (Maybe it's things like that that have ended the programs).

Here's what I've found for the various agencies in Sac County. Can anyone add to this list, or give their own experience in trying to particiapte in a ride along program?

1. CHP: Unknown.

2. Citrus Heights PD: Couldn't find their policy, only this .pdf application. The eligibility section has things like "live in city", "work in city", "law enforcement officer", "family member", etc.

3. Elk Grove PD: Limited to law enforcement recruits, family members, law enforcement officers, Elk Grove city or SSD employees.

4. Elk Grove CSD Fire: Nothing mentioned about ride alongs, only station tours.

5. Folsom PD: Unknown.

6. Folsom Fire: Unknown.

7. Rancho Cordova PD: Couldn't find any information.

8. Sac City Fire: No information about tours or ride alongs.

9. Sac PD: Couldn't find their policy, only this .pdf application. I turned one in a few years ago and heard nothing back from Sac PD.

10. Sac Sheriff: No information.

11. Sac Metro Fire: Apparently has an EMS ride along program, but appears limited to physicians, nurses, ems students, firefighters, law enforcement, and "certain qualifying civilians".


Dec 19, 2002
Western U.S.
Hello. For the CHP, in general, an active applicant to the CHP may ride along, and the Area Commander can make other policy to allow others to ride such as news media, spouses, etc.

servo_fan said:
Ride Alongs on helicopters came up in the Sacramento Air Ops thread and it got me wondering about ride along programs, mainly, what happened to them? Apparently some agencies have them, but they are only for employees, or family members.

I went on several SSD ride alongs in the early to mid 90s with a family friend - even got in an accident while responding code 3 to a 211 silent! (Maybe it's things like that that have ended the programs).

Here's what I've found for the various agencies in Sac County. Can anyone add to this list, or give their own experience in trying to particiapte in a ride along program?

1. CHP: Unknown.


Supposedly Retired...
Database Admin
May 16, 2003
Northwest KS
Roseville PD: One ridealong allowed for anyone who LIVES or WORKS within the city of Roseville. If you are not a peace officer, a very short background check (warrants and history) is done before the application is approved. You can request a preference for a shift and/or a specific officer, but no guarantee you will get it. If you know someone on the force who will let you ride with them AND will vouch for you, the procedure is much less formal, and you can ride more often once you get to know the officers and supervisors.
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