Freqed said:
The issue isn't interference, it's loss of signal from the Tulsa system.
One way to check on this is to see if turning on the attenuator function increases the signal level - if you turn on the attenuator and the signal gets better, it is likely that you are being subjected to receiver overload.
Another factor is your antenna system - a much under-rated but critical portion of the radio system installation. Make sure that you are using low loss cable and high gain (~3db) antennas to provide good reception. Even if you are using a 3db gain antenna with lossy coaxial that was designed for lower frequency work, it may not perform well and you will likely have overall loss in your antenna system (antenna gain + coaxial loss + connector loss = overall system gain/loss). Also, stay away from SO-239 connnectors and go to straight BNC without any adapters.
Just some things to look at....and if you're doing everything right and the reception is still sub-par....well.....then you're right! :lol: