Satellite Freq Tracking w/ SDR Console and SDR Play RSPDX-R2?


Premium Subscriber
Jun 20, 2013
I am using SDR Console....I wanted to use to track satellites. It works but I get no antenna selection. I have the SDR Play API installed and I added SDR Play in definition to "replace" but it it still shows an "unknown" device although it sees the serial number. Rebooted, replugged in device, same problem. Any advice? Tnx

Edit: I still could not get SDR Console to show antenna selection with my SDR Play RSPDX-R2 but I had it working on ant A. It was tracking frequencies with satellites when I click on the various ones that were within my footprint in the passes. However, after I restarted, it will no longer track frequency at all, it just stays on the same frequency I have to manually enter. Any suggestions? Tnx, I am new user to SDR Console.