Scanning In The Orlando Area

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Oct 4, 2008
Hi Everyone,

My name is Marc. i am new to this forum and love the wealth of information on this site. i have been an avid scanning enthusiast for the past few months and am looking to further my skills in this hobby. one thing i have noticed is that i have met quite a few people, who just like me, like to sit at home and listen to people talk about many different things. i would like to start a club in the orlando area (as i have not been able to locate a club) for people who are interested. I have acquired quite alot of gear over the past few months and after countless hours learning how to use it, i feel that i can only get better at this by learning/sharing my knowledge with others. if anyone in this forum lives in the orlando area and is interested in starting/joining such a club with me please email me or write me a private message. if this plan fails i will post my questions on the site in the future rather than trying to work them out in person with other enthusiasts. thank you for reading this and im excited about being part of this forum.

Best Regards,

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