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a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
far from Nonesuch, Ky...
Seems there is some work being done on the Scott TRS.... there is a construction notification on the FCC page for this system. The Control (in LCN 05) for Georgetown Site is now one of the new freqs-856.13750-replacing one of the "Nextelled" freqs(860.7125)... there isn't any traffic right now to see what is going on....
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Premium Subscriber
Aug 23, 2006
Central KY
They rebanded everything last week, the Sadieville tower one day and Georgetown tower the next. I wasn't here yesterday but nobody mentioned anything about any radio problems. I swear though, ever since we switched over it seems like reception and range has gone to crap. It seems worse though from dispatch, which doesn't make sense since they're all going through the same place. Driving down 227 dispatch is almost unintelligible via the mobile radio at times. I could hardly copy S.O. on my portable when on Cherry Blossom. Maybe they've worked some of that out though or is what they were working on yesterday. The radio guy is coming today so I'll ask him.

Also, some of our radios will no longer transmit on the Lexington system. They said it was a Lexington issue while they were redoing their system. All the radios can listen but some still cannot transmit.


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
far from Nonesuch, Ky...
Just finished running Trunker (thanx Rick!!!) on Sadieville.... seems LCN 04 is now 857.13750 (replacing 860.96250)... there is obvious work going on at both sites.... sometimes thru the morning the signal strength has dropped below what any of my scanners needed to track the system... but when it is up to snuff both sites tack with the new freqs in place.

Plz pass along what the radio guy has to say.... also, wondering about the timing on the tower for Stamping Ground, that, I think, might fix some of the coverage problems....


Premium Subscriber
Aug 23, 2006
Central KY
Everything seemed to work well yesterday, no radio issues. Supposedly they're coming to reprogram the rest of our radios on Friday. I was able to listen on my portable all the way to around Exit 104 on I-75 today without problem, it was still coming in pretty good but I lost the control channel. I'm not sure about the timing issue on the Sadieville tower but they way I understand that it works is that some, but not all, of the talkgroups are setup to be broadcast out on both towers. I know for certain that EMS, GPD, and SCSO are all broadcast across both towers. There really is no need for GPD to be broadcast on the Sadieville tower but they insist on it. Our radios must be manually switched from the Georgetown to Sadieville site, and people sometimes forget to switch their portables. They can program them to automatically switch, but the way it was explained to me is that without installing the $100k switch in dispatch, if any of the mobiles or portables are set to automatically select the strongest signal, there is a chance you can get in an area that has about the same coverage and the radio will switch back and forth while not allowing you to transmit. It's a safety issue so they really don't want to do it. They can also setup a software switch in dispatch but if for some reason the system crashed or got reset, it would be lost and have to be setup again. They need to just breakdown and buy the hardware switch. S.O. hates it because if they are in a pursuit or something and jump out of their vehicle, they have to manually switch over to the other site right in the middle of everything.

One other thing of interest is that when they do a multiple-agency dispatch, each talkgroup is assigned its own frequency instead of every talkgroup listening in on the same frequency. So when they put out an amber alert, all frequencies are usually tied up and if you try to transmit on an unused talkgroup you'll be put in queue.


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
far from Nonesuch, Ky...
Thanx for the update.... that explains some of the quirks.

kyparamedic said:
S.O. hates it because if they are in a pursuit or something and jump out of their vehicle, they have to manually switch over to the other site right in the middle of everything.

Wonder if mobile repeaters would be better than switching--there is some really rugged terrain in Scott County where I'd rather not have a hand held being my only link to dispatch....

kyparamedic said:
One other thing of interest is that when they do a multiple-agency dispatch, each talkgroup is assigned its own frequency instead of every talkgroup listening in on the same frequency. So when they put out an amber alert, all frequencies are usually tied up and if you try to transmit on an unused talkgroup you'll be put in queue.

That pretty much wipes out available freqs! Didn't know that... wonder why dispatch doesn't set-up patches for those times? Sometimes Lexington drives me bonkers at ball games or other events switching back and forth between the super talkgroups....


Premium Subscriber
Aug 23, 2006
Central KY
When I was talking to the radio guy he said that they could just do a system all call which would only use one frequency and assign it to all the applicable talkgroups but they didn't setup the dispatch consoles like that. Go figure.
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